目前分類:天使 (3566)

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When you consciously choose to work with your angels, guides, and helpers you create a bridge between heaven and earth.

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Finding the right Balance

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When you are wishing to manifest something you desire, we recommend using the5A's.

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Asking the universe for a sign is a wonderful practice that can be very supportive to you moving forward.Working with spirit in such a way perpetuates surrender, flow, and acceptance.It keeps you in the present moment as you look for the signs and synchronicities, and also supports the practice of gratitude.And it helps you to fortify your trust by seeing how the universe is always responding to you, and lovingly guiding the way.You are never bothering us by asking for a sign.In fact, we love when you do, for it is through the asking that you find answers, and keep yourself in beautiful supported forward movement.It is great fun for us to leave surprises for you and to see you experience the magic of your co-creation.

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Am I forcing or am I flowing? This is an excellent question to ask if you are feeling frustrated.Remember, everything you desire—love, connection, healing, creation, abundance—comes through flow.Is it time to get out of your own way and allow yourself to be led?

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Dear Ones, during these accelerated times where so much can seem to be up in the air or undefined, the most empowered and empowering thing you can do is allow love to lead the way.

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Nature offers great Wisdom

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Your surrender and flow makes room for magic and miracles.

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There is no need to hurry or force things to happen.Everything is occurring with the most perfect timing and exactly as it should be.The point of the journey is to enjoy the steps in the process.

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Gratitude is an aspect that a great many of you have come to understand the importance of and have made it a regular practice.You feel gratitude for your many different elements in your lives,but there is one area that is consistently forgotten by many of you.That is remembering to have gratitude for yourselves.

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Ignite the flames of Hope

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When energies are very fast moving it can feel like you are somewhat out of control.Did you know you always have a steering wheel to your flow? It's called gratitude.Do not underestimate the power of that feedback tool for the universe,Dear Ones,for it loudly broadcasts what you prefer and celebrates the blessings of your Now moments,which can only pave the way for even more satisfying tomorrows.

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Human beings often feel a compulsion to do something, anything, in order to try to have control over a situation.But if a situation is in flux, it is because it is evolving and that is a process.

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Greetings, Beloved Ones.

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Dear Ones, how profoundly would your life change if, instead of asking,"What is wrong with me?", you started asking,"What is right with me?"

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When you judge yourself you deny your beauty, your divinity, and the perfection of you and the Now moment.Dear Ones, please know that you are an individuated aspect of Source energy, absolute perfection in your imperfection, a vital, honoured, and necessary part of the whole.It is time to accept yourself, and others, as just that and to finally release the idea that you can ever be anything less.Please hear us when we say there is no payoff in denying your truth, and everything to gain from accepting your divine perfection.

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Fear and doubt are normal experiences for human beings.They are the ego self's go-to emotions whenever you are presented with opportunities for expansion.Do not be hard on yourself if you experience those emotions.They are only problematic if you allow them to stall your growth.

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There is a wonderful thing that happens whenever you profoundly shift and evolve—as your vibration raises you have brand new potentials that you move into resonance with.This opens the door for new inspirations, new creations, and new relationships both with other humans and with guides that you are now an energetic match to.

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When you are unsure how to proceed in any area of your life, simply asking,"What would be the most loving choice for others?","What would be the most loving choice for me?" and"What would be the most loving choice for all?" can be very helpful.

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As sensitive human beings on an ascending planet, many of you are greatly affected by the shifting energies.Something that can be very helpful to you is to create an energy log.An energy log is simply keeping a diary of any astrological or energetic events, your feelings and symptoms during those events, and what you may have found helpful to keep you more comfortable during those times.By keeping track, you will soon find that you can tell from your body what is happening, and you will be able to seamlessly know what has been helpful in the past, allowing you to move through such events in far more comfortable ways.

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