目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Nov 10 Thu 2016 13:03
【大天使麥可】2016-10-28 美國大選與集體意識清理
- Nov 10 Thu 2016 12:42
【大天使加百利】2016-11-8 你的振動
Dear Ones, your vibration,(which is a combination of your intention, focus, and authentic power), is how you display your energetic sovereignty.There is no force greater in your life than you shining your truth and embracing your divine capability to co-create.
- Nov 09 Wed 2016 13:26
【大天使加百利】2016-11-7 信任
Surrender, faith, flow, and trust is the heart-centred navigation system for the enlightening human being.
- Nov 08 Tue 2016 12:42
【大天使加百利】2016-11-6 感恩
Gratitude, simply put, is a deep honouring of the right Now moment.
- Nov 06 Sun 2016 11:22
【大天使加百利】2016-11-4 展示你的愛
To choose not to love, to wait to see what another does first, to watch and observe before you deem it safe to give, is to never give anything the chance to become its full potential.We understand that many of you have been hurt by the absence of love from others, but we urge you to BE the love you are, to show up with your love and to allow it to shine, for that is the only way you can be seen in your truth, and to draw to you the perfect matches that can mirror that back to you beautifully.To hold yourself out of love, Dear Ones, will only continue the experience of the absence of love, and we want so much more for you than that.
- Nov 05 Sat 2016 12:00
【大天使加百利】2016-11-3 決心要成為更好的
When you decide that you are going to create the life of your dreams, a very interesting thing happens.Your soul sends out a clarion call to your dreams, and your dreams call out to you as well, creating a magnetic pull that can only culminate in the completion of co-creation that honours your truest desires.
- Nov 04 Fri 2016 11:44
【大天使加百利】2016-11-2 服務
Just as our greatest joy is serving you, you can find your greatest, truest, deepest sense of joy by being of service.Simply surrender your day to being of your highest service, and then see how many opportunities present themselves to you to make a difference.
- Nov 03 Thu 2016 11:32
【大天使加百利】2016-11-1 情緒總是攜帶著信息
If you find yourself feeling an emotion that is uncomfortable, we advise that you stop and ask what about this situation is making me feel unsafe? Is that true? Is it related to this lifetime? Does it come from this experience or something that has happened before? Emotions always carry a wealth of information for you.If you stop and examine the emotion, you may be surprised by what it has to tell you.
- Nov 02 Wed 2016 13:22
【大天使麥特昶】2016-10-29 創造生活的藝術
- Nov 02 Wed 2016 12:48
【大天使加百利】2016-10-31 信任宇宙運行的系統
Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests.You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to fruition .
- Oct 31 Mon 2016 13:29
【大天使加百利】2016-10-29 閃耀自己的光
The more you are able to love and accept yourself, the more you will allow yourself to shine your own light.The more you shine your own light, the less you will be affected by other energies, people and opinions.You will become self-governing, guiding yourself through your own divinity, and BEing that divine light wherever you go, and that, Dear Ones, is true sovereignty and service.
- Oct 29 Sat 2016 12:13
【大天使加百利】2016-10-28 在自己的速率中成長
Dear Ones, we want you to know that it is all alright.If you meditate, or if you don't, it is alright.If you are patient and loving and then you are not, it is alright.If you shine brightly one day and then don't for a week, it is alright.It is all alright.
- Oct 27 Thu 2016 13:10
【大天使加百利】2016-10-26 優雅
Grace is heart-centred movement and presence.
- Oct 26 Wed 2016 23:42
【大天使加百利】2016-10-25 為什麼不進行一個臣服的實驗?
Why not have a surrender experiment? Why not surrender into having the most wonderful day? There doesn't need to be any grand ritual, just an intention to surrender into having a great day.Then simply allow the day to unfold, following the path of least resistance and any signs or synchronicities from the universe.See if your day was better than most, and how you felt emotionally at the end of your day.Once you have done that for several days, examine how your week is going.Is it better than most? Are you feeling better than usual?
- Oct 25 Tue 2016 12:29
【大天使加百利】2016-10-24 什麼是愛?
We speak so much of the importance of love.But what is love really? Why is it such a big deal?
- Oct 25 Tue 2016 12:27
【大天使加百利】2016-10-22 真正的神性並不是知曉而是存在
Dear Ones, many of you perceive spirituality as being too complex or time consuming to understand in a meaningful enough way to make a difference.Simply deciding that today you will be kind—kind to yourself, and kind to others, is beautiful and profound spirituality in action.A person in their simplest service is always far more powerful than someone who has accumulated vast spiritual knowledge and doesn't act on it, for true divinity is not about knowing, it is about BEing.
- Oct 24 Mon 2016 12:32
【大天使加百利】2016-10-23 寬恕那些還未找到自己神聖本質的人
Dear Ones,if someone has hurt you in the past, it is an indicator that they were not at a level of soul growth to choose differently.They simply did not know better.
- Oct 22 Sat 2016 12:50
【大天使加百利】2016-10-21 優雅
Grace is a high vibrating attribute among human beings.It is seen as a beautiful and benevolent energy that is lovely to behold.
- Oct 22 Sat 2016 12:48
【大天使加百利】2016-10-20 寬恕
Dear Ones, we understand that to give forgiveness after you have been wronged is a very difficult thing to do.You understand that it is beneficial to you to do so, but it can be hard to know just how to do it.We wish to shed some light on the act of forgiveness.
- Oct 21 Fri 2016 11:43
【天使的智慧】2016-10-19 善用自己的優點
Utilize your many strengths