Flow is expansion and freedom.Control is contraction and constriction.If you understand that everything you desire—healing, love, abundance, connection, growth—is a flow, you will start to see that your habit of control simply cannot get you the results you are wanting.Why hold onto an old system that really isn't effective?
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Sep 29 Thu 2016 12:46
【大天使加百利】2016-9-27 流動與控制
- Sep 28 Wed 2016 11:56
【大天使加百利】2016-9-26 什麼是你的真理?
Temptation is an opportunity to explore something without having the experience.It allows you to stop and consider what is your truth and to choose and create from there.It can also make you aware of something that is seeking to be healed and loved within you.It is a wonderful chance to self define and express who you are in a new, wiser way, without the creation of karma and regret, which is far more in line with the desires of the mindful, evolving human being.You see, Dear Ones, there is a gift in everything if only you have the eyes and the wisdom to see.
- Sep 27 Tue 2016 12:38
【大天使加百利】2016-9-25 體驗的目的
Many of you feel regret for what you consider to be your mistakes.But the fact that you regret them indicates those actions were not in line with who you really are.You have uncovered a deeper layer of truth from the experience, a deeper level of your inner knowingness, which has brought you closer to the experience of your own divinity.You can then integrate that into your latest ex·pression of beingness, and that, Dear Ones, is the purpose of experience.All movement is ultimately forward movement.
- Sep 26 Mon 2016 13:03
【大天使加百利】2016-9-24 小我的運作模式
Somewhere along the line, busyness has become glorified for many human beings.They deem themselves as being good or successful the more action they can squeeze into the day.While we applaud action toward creation, many people are finding themselves exhausted and less than satisfied with their lives regardless of the amount of effort they have put into it.How can this be?
- Sep 25 Sun 2016 13:07
【大天使加百利】2016-9-23 愛和連接
Dear Ones, as you start to really understand and honour the value of balance in your lives, we wish to point out that the energies of love and connection are what create the greatest balance and stability.
- Sep 24 Sat 2016 12:59
【大天使加百利】2016-9-22 轉變、淨化、整合
Do you see how much the universe loves and serves you? After so much turbulence as you went through the energetic corridor created by the recent eclipses, you are now presented with a day that locks in your progress and offers the energies of balance and harvest.
- Sep 24 Sat 2016 12:55
【天使的智慧】2016-9-22 前進
A Desire for More Meaning
- Sep 22 Thu 2016 12:54
【大天使加百利】2016-9-21 看到體驗的價值,你就能超越評判
When you see someone making a choice that is contrary to what you would choose for yourself, instead of deeming it to be right or wrong, good or bad, why not see them as choosing to have an experience—an experience that will have great value to them, that it is a demonstration of free will that will lead to growth and expansion, otherwise, it simply wouldn't be occurring.
- Sep 22 Thu 2016 12:51
【大天使加百利】2016-9-20 在你擁有更多的明晰前,等待是有智慧的
Dear Ones, we know that in turbulent energies it can be difficult to know how to proceed.There is wisdom in waiting before you do anything until you have more clarity.
- Sep 21 Wed 2016 13:28
【大天使加百利】2016-9-19 靈魂的暗夜
Dear Ones, the dark night of the soul is a period of cocooning—of deep introspection, of learning, of healing, and of transformation.It serves a tremendous purpose on your spiritual journey.It is marked with reevaluating everything, with the change of relationships, careers, and friendships, and can be a very solitary somber period.While it can seem long and arduous, it is an energetic corridor that does come to an end, and for many of you that time is now.
- Sep 21 Wed 2016 13:25
【大天使加百利】2016-9-18 自覺
If you have an area in your life that continues to be what you consider to be problematic, we encourage you to ask the following:
- Sep 20 Tue 2016 11:47
【大天使加百利】2016-9-17 你是創造者
Dear Ones, every time you release you make room for new creations.Isn't that wondrous? Can you feel the potentials available now that you are not dragging the energies of your past with you? Every day is a brand new energetic space with a brand new platform to create from.We invite you to feel into the magnitude of what this means for you, and to get excited about how you wish to express your glorious selves, for you are the artist, the paint, and the canvas, all in one.
- Sep 18 Sun 2016 12:11
【天使的智慧】2016-9-16 自省
Find a quiet place for contemplation and look within.
- Sep 17 Sat 2016 11:43
【大天使加百利】2016-9-16 抵抗與臣服
When you are in resistance, you are choosing to energetically align with what is unwanted.Why not surrender it to Source? Why not pass it off to your guides and helpers to take care of for you and then place your focus on forward movement into a new energetic layer that contains what you truly wish to experience?
- Sep 17 Sat 2016 11:38
【大天使加百利】2016-9-15 允許
Dear Ones, the word we think best describes the theme of the day is allow.Allow yourself to move with the energies.Allow yourself to be exactly who you are without the need to fix or deny anything, embracing your glorious divinity.Allow others to be where they are without feeling the responsibility to fix anything because they are masters in their own right.And lastly, allow yourself to be thankful for the incredible process you are such an important part of, during this time of acceleration and shifting on your planet.Just allow it all to be in all its divine perfection.
- Sep 16 Fri 2016 12:33
【大天使加百利】2016-9-14 精煉的階段
Your awareness is allowing you to fine tune your energies more and more to match who you are and what you are intending to create.Shifting into including what is wanted rather than excluding what is unwanted, practicing energetic clarity rather than self-protection, BEing rather than doing, surrendering with intention rather than efforting, are all subtle but profound shifts.
- Sep 14 Wed 2016 12:42
【大天使加百利】2016-9-12 與流動合一
Dear Ones, do you see that when you allow yourself to shine brightly in your truth and authenticity, you are embodying the flow? When you are one with the flow everything becomes far more effortless, more supported, more joyful because you are willingly moving with the energies.To put it in a way you may find easy to remember, you bloom when you are a flow-er.
- Sep 14 Wed 2016 12:39
【大天使加百利】2016-9-13 揚升所造成的不適只是暫時的
Dear Ones, just as growing pains can cause some discomfort, they are a sign that you are expanding into a bigger version of yourself.The same it is with your ascension symptoms.They are temporarily uncomfortable but are a sure sign of growth and expansion.
- Sep 14 Wed 2016 12:33
【天使的智慧】2016-9-12 新機遇在到來
New opportunities are on the way
- Sep 13 Tue 2016 13:28
【大天使加百利】2016-9-11 求助的時機
We invite you to examine your life and look at any areas that aren't going quite as well as you might like.How much resistance do you have around that topic? Stop and ask yourself what belief systems you have that are keeping you stuck or engaging with what is unwanted.Is your focus empowering or disempowering?