目前分類:天使 (3566)

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When it comes to making your dreams a reality or when you know what is right and best for you,be assertive and keep focused on what is important and your priorities.Things might get in the way just to be sure this what you truly want but really,you already know in your heart what is right.You have great courage or you would not be here,it is time that you see this in yourself as others already do.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,it is the easiest thing in the world for the universe to create intersections for non-resistant human beings.What that means is that when you are surrendered to the flow—when you follow the subtle bumps and nudges of your soul—it allows us to create the right time/right place events that match what your soul desires.Magical alignments are the natural outcome of true surrender and flow.

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Many of you yearn for a sense of peace in your lives.The extreme busyness many of you experience as human beings ultimately leads to that yearning.

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Importance of a spiritual practice

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,what if what you called your mistakes was merely evidence of your continued innocence? Many of you think your innocence is long lost.But you would never make a mistake if you knew better.The fact that you didn't know better means that you were in a state of innocence.

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Change is Natural

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Dear Ones,the enlightenment process is more about being than doing.More about flowing than forcing.More about joy than struggle.More about embracing the light than fighting the darkness.It is about discovering the truth of who you are,and who you have always been.It is about seeing love as the great expander,magnifier,healer,unifier and connector.It is about being a willing dance partner with a universe that has always been there to support and assist you in this magnificent process of coming home to yourself.

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Let go of the past

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the reasons human beings can be afraid to love fully is that they believe it is a one way street,that it will involve them being loving and getting nothing in return.That is based on the old conditional love model which states I will love you so long as I get something in return.It is also based on many years of out of balance love,and the idea that love is work with little return.

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Be honest with yourself

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,if you are experiencing fear with love,you are still practicing conditional love—the idea that you will love only if it gets a certain result or outcome.The love you are yearning for is unconditional love—love that you flow with,without any expectation,simply because it feels wonderful to love and express yourself as the love that you are.One is constrained and controlling,the other completely expansive and free.Only one allows you to show up in your divine beauty and truth.Isn't that where you would like to create your love relationships from?

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do you have a deep need of labels in order to feel secure? We often see this in relationships but it can occur in many other areas of life,as well.Most people use labels as a way of controlling things,as a way of constraining energy and looking for predictability.But the more you identify with a label,the more you might be limiting yourself,instead.

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Relax and let the process unfold

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the desires that each of you have.There is not a single soul on your world that does not have desires which they wish to manifest for themselves.

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The beauty of fast moving energy is that it gives you a very tangible sense of how far you have come and how quickly you are evolving.It also gives you a true sense of how instantly your thoughts can become your reality,as there is much less of a lag time between what you put out and what you receive.This encourages you to step into more conscious creation.

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Take the time to reflect and know your true self once again.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Can you look in the mirror at yourself with love today? Can you speak only tender words to and about yourself today? If this seems like a daunting task,you have just uncovered what is most pressing for you to do for your growth and evolution.

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If you are experiencing a stressful time in your life,we encourage you to play a little game called"In This Right Now Moment」.Most stress is caused by the unknown of the future,or pressure for things to come together in a way that is satisfactory.Unfortunately,worry does not create any kind of positive fuel for your creations.In fact,it is your fear that something may not be good in the future that makes you have the experience not feeling good right now.You are instantaneously creating the very thing you fear through your focus.

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Many of you have asked,「How do I love myself?"You can become more loving to yourself in many ways,but most important of all,it means becoming a safe person for yourself.Are you a safe person for yourself to be exposed to? If not,what can you do to become so?Agood place to start is with kindness,consistency,encouragement,and inclusion.

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Never allow worry to grow out of Proportion

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