目前分類:天使 (3566)

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Dear Ones,discomfort is simply a re-directional tool.It occurs to let you know you are not in alignment with your highest good and attempting to navigate your life outside of your soul's preferred methods of surrender,flow,ease,growth and expansion.This is why old belief systems that glorify struggle and pain as being somehow noble are so very destructive.

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Personal Power and Inner Strength

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Dear Ones,what if you knew that you really couldn't get it wrong? You would begin to live according to what your heart truly desires,which would allow you to fully embrace stepping into your truth and purpose.From opening to that potential you would finally give yourself the freedom to truly experience and self express,and would expand and grow exponentially from there.You are mindful and caring beings! If something is not in line with your being,you will very quickly get uncomfortable and choose again.It is through having a myriad of experiences you can energetically sort what is a match to you and what is not,which allows you to discover the beauty of your unique,truest expression of self,which adds immeasurably to the whole.

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Spiritual Purpose and Support

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If you could see that the unfoldment of life is pure magic,you would stop to savour all of life's stages,and move into a deep satisfaction with your experience,regardless of what was happening.You would harness the gifts that exist for you in all phases of the flow,and enjoy a far greater state of grace,ease and peace because the resistance would be replaced with acceptance and appreciation.You would finally allow yourself to experience the divine perfection of it all.

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Take Action

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Dear Ones,if you are forever distracting yourselves how can you ever connect with the glory,the divinity,the infinite potential,the pure essence that is you? It is all within you,in your vast treasure house of beingness.If you can just still yourselves long enough to discover who you really are,how glorious your truth is,you will fall so madly in love with yourselves you will start to naturally emanate love and acceptance for all,and from there your lives will change forever.

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The day of your birth was carefully chosen by your soul to give you the exact energetic conditions to support your life expression.It is a sacred day for you! We encourage you to take a quiet moment on your birthday to connect back into the energetic support that always exists for you on that day.Thank yourself for the wisdom of choosing that day,and for all the growth and experience that has happened during the past year.Intend to absorb the wonderful and beautiful support the energetics of your day so lovingly gives you.That is the true gift of your birthday,Dear Ones,the recharge that only your unique day can offer you.The universe shimmers and celebrates you as you mark another year of your linear time.Any other celebration of love you receive over and above that is truly icing on the cake.

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This is an important and powerful time

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You are Guided

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We understand that many of you consider patterns in your life as indicators that you are unhealed in some way. But what if they also happen to show you how far you have come? There is no greater way to gauge your growth than to be presented with a situation and handle it in a new, authentic and empowered way.

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Freedom is expansion and flow,and your ability to express yourself exactly as you wish.As you are on the planet to experience and grow,it is an essential element to the human being.We find it interesting that people will fight to have their freedom,and yet keep themselves constrained in so many other ways—through fear,doubt,separation,and all the other excuses they invent to prevent themselves from experiencing their highest expression of self.

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Death is a New Beginning

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Dear Ones,the enlightenment process is more about being than doing.More about flowing than forcing.More about joy than struggle.More about embracing the light than fighting the darkness.It is about discovering the truth of who you are,and who you have always been.It is about seeing love as the great expander,magnifier,healer,unifier and connector.It is about being a willing dance partner with a universe that has always been there to support and assist you in this magnificent process of coming home to yourself.

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You Create your Destiny

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We understand that many of you are weary of what seems to be an endless releasing process.But what if you let go of the idea of releasing as a chore,and started to look at it as delicious unfoldment? What if you saw it as unwrapping a beautiful present,savouring each layer as part of the fun of discovering what glory lies underneath? Because that is truly what you are all doing—after centuries of anticipation,you are delightedly peeling back everything that was hiding the truth and beauty of your own divinity so you can finally express it in human form.

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You are free to choose who you really are.Be your authentic self and radiate your light outward to the world.You are here at this moment and for a reason.You are here now because of who you are,where you have been,and what you have experienced.Honour yourself and all that you do and all that you have done as it is what makes you who you are and is the flavour of your uniqueness.

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Your soul is,by nature,expansive.It wishes to grow,flow,and experience.Your mind,naturally,seeks to constrain into categories and predictability.It wishes to put things into the context of what it already knows.This is where much of the discomfort of the human experience comes from—the tug of war between the desire for freedom and movement from the soul,and the desire for control and containment from the mind.

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Spiritual Practice

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