In these fast, forward moving energies, as the planet and her inhabitants continue to evolve, anything that involves giving your power away is no longer supported.The energy has been withdrawn from supporting victim consciousness of any sort.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- May 12 Thu 2016 12:52
【大天使加百利】2016-5-10 那些不榮耀你的會被照亮以讓你去療癒,釋放或轉化
- May 12 Thu 2016 12:47
【天使的智慧】2016-5-10 抓住機會
Take a Chance
- May 11 Wed 2016 13:54
【天使的智慧】2016-5-7 獲得對生活更好的理解
Gaining a greater understanding of your life
- May 10 Tue 2016 12:34
【大天使加百利】2016-5-9 愛的真諦
Many human beings feel isolated, alone, and disconnected from others.This occurs from not accepting the truth of the love that you are as an individuated aspect of Source energy.It also comes from steadfastly avoiding loving yourself.
- May 10 Tue 2016 12:30
【天使的智慧】2016-5-8 處於當下
Being in the Moment
- May 09 Mon 2016 13:54
【天使的指導】2016-5-5 沒人可以搞砸你的現實
Today we would like to focus upon the topic of creation; particularly your role as a creator being.There is quite a bit of confusion around the topic of creation when it comes to co-creation and how others can participate in your reality.So it is our intention to help clear the confusion up a bit.
- May 09 Mon 2016 13:46
【大天使加百利】2016-5-7 接納還是抵抗?
The universe runs on love.Whether you are in acceptance of that love, or resistance to that love, will have everything to do with how satisfying your life is.
- May 09 Mon 2016 13:40
【大天使加百利】2016-5-8 有意識的做出改變
If you have a relationship in your life that is fraught with difficulty, stop and take a moment and examine your focus with that relationship.Are you focused on what doesn't work? Are you critical? Does past negativity taint the present moment?
- May 08 Sun 2016 13:05
【大天使加百利】2016-5-6 新的信念和信任之地
When you truly understand that the universe is always, always conspiring to help you because the universe runs on love, you can let go of the idea that things are ever wrong or that you have to be on high alert for what is unwanted.From that new state of faith and trust you will be able to have a sense of acceptance and appreciation for everything.You will naturally start to see the blessings that abound, and finally settle down into a space of far greater comfort in each Now moment.
- May 08 Sun 2016 13:02
【天使的智慧】2016-5-6 你之內有著偉大的力量
There is great power within you
- May 07 Sat 2016 14:09
【大天使加百利】2016-5-5 釋放你阻礙自己流動的障礙
Resistance to what is,is choosing discomfort and a continuation of what is unwanted.Acceptance receives the energetic gifts of any experience.Surrender keeps you in forward movement and flow.Gratitude for what is working in your life is the steering wheel of your flow and your positive feedback tool for the universe.Faith and trust allow you to stay in the energies of surrender and flow long enough for the universe to weave its magic for you.Our wish is for you to understand that resistance is absolutely contrary to everything you wish to experience and deserve.Love yourself enough to release the brakes you have put on your own flow,Dear Ones,and you will find your way back into supported movement,relief,satisfaction,excitement,and joy.
- May 07 Sat 2016 14:05
【天使的智慧】2016-5-5 專注於正面積極之能量流
Focus on the flow of Positive Energy
- May 06 Fri 2016 14:10
【大天使加百利】2016-5-4 伴隨著支持的能量移動
If you start to put your time and focus on what is energetically supported at any given time,you will find yourselves far more comfortable and efficient.That is what inspiration is—the nudge that the energetic flow is fully supporting something.
- May 06 Fri 2016 14:10
【天使的智慧】2016-5-4 擁抱你的目標
Embrace your Purpose
- May 05 Thu 2016 14:53
【大天使加百利】2016-5-3 在全新的方式中航行生活
Many of you have become so accustomed to the idea of everything being hard,that the moment you hit a place of ease on your path you immediately start thinking that you have missed something,that you are being lazy,that your ego is tricking you,or that it can't be real.The hard work you have done of releasing,integrating and healing over the past several years is designed to do just that,allow you to start navigating your lives in whole new ways,that are more about flowing than efforting.Feeling greater grace and ease,support and flow,are the natural outcome of the work you have done as you are learning the new operating systems of the enlightening human being.Don't be afraid to trust in it!
- May 04 Wed 2016 13:15
【大天使加百利】2016-5-2 放下舊的,接收新的
Dear Ones,the universe is assisting you in letting go of everything that does not serve you.The planets are assisting,your beloved earth is assisting,your highest self is assisting,the angels and ascended masters are assisting.You are assisting yourselves as you move through letting go of the old and receiving the new.There is a wonderful system of evolution that is in place and available to each and every one of you.The only thing at this point that is in your way is any old limiting beliefs,fears or behaviours that you perpetuate by habit.We urge you to take a look at any ways you may still be holding yourselves back or believe you are blocked and ask,「Is this really true?"At this point the only limits you have to your creation and expansion are self imposed,so let go of any lingering illusions once and for all,and allow yourself to expand and shine in the truth and glory that is you.
- May 03 Tue 2016 12:40
【大天使加百利】2016-5-1 怠惰和輕盈的差別
Dear Ones,do you realize there is a big difference between laziness and the path of ease? Many of you deny yourself ease because you are mistakenly seeing it as laziness.Laziness is a term that was created to shame people into doing more.It suggests constant hard work is noble,where resting is not.The work,work,work model kept people from having the time to connect with self,and created exhaustion.It was a very out of balance model.Laziness is a term of shame and judgment,two energies that are designed to control others.
- May 03 Tue 2016 12:36
【大天使加百利】2016-4-30 祈請、臣服、讓自己被指引
Dear Ones,if your life is fraught with difficulties chances are you are attempting to go it alone.We are here,always,to serve and assist you,to lead you out of the darkness of separation into the light of connection.All you must do is simply ask,surrender,and allow yourself to be led.
- May 01 Sun 2016 14:33
【天使長麥可】2016-5-1 擁抱愛的力量
- May 01 Sun 2016 14:13
【大天使加百利】2016-4-29 做出榮耀你的選擇就是愛的選擇
Doing things you don't want to do creates resistance and a desire to separate.Making choices that honour you and your truth creates flow and unity.Love is the flow.Therefore,making a choice that honours you is a choice of love.