Allow your inner knowing to assist you
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Mar 01 Sun 2015 13:44
【天使的智慧】2015-2-27 讓你內在的知曉協助你
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 14:28
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:43
【大天使加百利】2015-2-27 你所專注的會成長
Dear Ones,you are so very powerful,what you give your attention to grows.What are you giving your blessing to today?
- Feb 28 Sat 2015 13:35
【天使的智慧】2015-2-26 你在進入自身
You are coming into your own
- Feb 27 Fri 2015 13:44
【大天使加百利】2015-2-26 "確信"是所有有意識創造的基礎能量
Embracing your own mastery,your own innate knowingness and complete capability as the expert of your own life expression,allows you to navigate your life in a way that is beyond doubt,hesitation,or fear.Certainty is the grounding energy of all conscious creation.
- Feb 27 Fri 2015 13:40
【天使的智慧】2015-2-25 物以類聚
Like attracts Like
- Feb 26 Thu 2015 13:10
【大天使加百利】2015-2-25 確信之地
The more you choose to live from a place of inner knowingness,the more you can make your decisions from a place of certainty.Certainty is what exists beyond fear and doubt.It is a very solid energy,authentic,grounded,and magnetic,and because of its unshakeable nature,it is a powerful tool for creation and manifestation.
- Feb 26 Thu 2015 12:59
【天使的智慧】2015-2-24 愛可以做到很多事情
Love can do so many things
- Feb 25 Wed 2015 12:20
【大天使加百利】2015-2-24 循環事件的意義
Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how certain elements or experiences seem to loop around into your awareness? Often this is the recurrence of a theme that caused upheaval and required a lot of of work and healing to come through. A common reaction could be, “Oh, not this again! I thought I healed this!” Let us explain why this occurs.
- Feb 25 Wed 2015 12:15
【天使的智慧】2015-2-23 用心聆聽
Listen with your heart
- Feb 24 Tue 2015 14:33
- Feb 24 Tue 2015 13:56
【大天使加百利】2015-2-23 整合
Deep inside of you,you always know the right answer to any decision you need to make.If you are having trouble listening to that inner voice,there is still a wounded part of you making its presence known.As your own loving parent,identify what that is,and integrate it back into wholeness by giving yourself whatever love,nurturing or reassurance is necessary.Then look at the decision you need to make again.
- Feb 24 Tue 2015 13:40
【天使的智慧】2015-2-22 欣賞此刻
Appreciate this Moment
- Feb 23 Mon 2015 14:32
【大天使加百利】2015-2-22 轉變你的專注
Dear Ones,if you would simply replace the words"have to"with"get to"when thinking of your daily chores,you would instantly shift yourself from resistance and resentment to a deep appreciation of your current reality.It is such an easy tool to shift your focus and return to a satisfying flow for your day.
- Feb 23 Mon 2015 14:13
【天使的智慧】2015-2-21 清晰你的思路
Clear your Thoughts
- Feb 22 Sun 2015 13:18
【大天使加百利】2015-2-21 你在更快的速率中學習和體驗
As you continue to march forward on your enlightenment journey,you will begin to notice that any decision you make that does not honour who you are,or involves giving your power away,is absolutely not supported.In record time,you will find it coming back up for you to review in your soul"s desire to move beyond those old habits once and for all.
- Feb 22 Sun 2015 13:12
【天使的智慧】2015-2-20 變得更加具有意識
Becoming more Conscious
- Feb 21 Sat 2015 13:30
【大天使加百利】2015-2-20 視自己為整體重要的一部分
The art of compromise means finding a middle ground that satisfies both parties.It is not continually denying yourself or consistently giving your power away in order to get along or not rock the boat.If you make a habit of ignoring your own needs,it will always lead to resentment,which will slowly but surely erode your relationships.
- Feb 21 Sat 2015 13:28
【天使的智慧】2015-2-19 愛自己
Love yourself
- Feb 20 Fri 2015 14:46
【大天使加百利】2015-2-19 與能量共事
Dear Ones,ride whatever energies are presenting to you with complete acceptance of their perfection and purpose.If you are feeling energized,use that as an opportunity to take action,as the energies are supporting movement.If you are feeling tired,realize it is time for rest and integration.Your body is always very aware of what the energies are for,at any given time.As you start to harness and work with whatever energy is available to you in each Now moment,you will become so much more efficient and feel so much more supported.You will begin navigating your life with far greater grace and ease than ever before.