目前分類:天使 (3566)

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Dear Ones,why not stop for a moment of appreciation for this magical moment in time? Thank yourself for choosing to be on the planet,participating in the grand shift of the ages.You are doing such a magnificent job! Thank the other human beings,who like you,are courageously being the ground crew.Thank the planet for giving you a world to experience.Thank the animals for their loving and pure energy on your earth.Thank the earth and the plants for providing sustenance and healing.

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Mastering your Feelings

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During intense energetic times,it is common for people to become aware of emotions coming up.They may feel frustration,anger,irritation,sadness,depression,anxiety.Dear Ones,do not let this make you feel you are not"spiritual」,are somehow broken,or have lost the progress of the work you have been doing diligently for so very long.It is simply another wave of energy leaving you,and your beloved planet,which is exactly what these energies are designed to do.

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Dear Ones,a reminder that sweet and tender self love and staying in the Now are absolutely vital to navigating intense energies such as you will be experiencing this week.All great changes are navigated one right Now moment at a time.Staying vigilant about your self care by listening to and honouring what you need emotionally,physically and energetically,is what will allow you to best harness the gifts of these times and minimize any discomfort.Remember,these are the times your soul has been excitedly waiting to experience for so very long.

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Preparing for this next phase

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Potential for Great Growth

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Giving,receiving,and heartfelt appreciation for the experience of both,is the trinity that supports the flow of abundance.Each one is a vital aspect,equally important to the balance of the whole of the abundance model.It is your ability to seamlessly shift into each of these aspects that will move you into a joyful dance of service and co-creation with the universe.

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Seek your inner truth

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Flow is navigating your life from a place of surrender,alignment,supported movement and ease.We find it interesting that the very thing that can get you where you want to go,is the one thing so many of you resist so mightily.Let go and let flow sweep you to your highest potential,which is always where your soul wishes to be.

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Allow your mind to wander

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,just a reminder—words hold energy and intention.One word affirmations are one of the best and fastest ways to adjust your own energy.If you are tired,perhaps you could use the word"energy」.If you are anxious,「calm」.Keep trying on words until you feel like you"ve found the perfect antidote to the energy you are trying to shift out of,and repeat the word with your inner voice as needed.Working your own energy does not need to be complicated at all.With a little bit of awareness and a willingness to experiment,you will very quickly find simple fixes that work remarkably well for you.

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Utilize the magical energy around you

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Allow yourself to surrender

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What if all obstacles in your life were suddenly removed? Stop and consider that.What would you do?

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So many of you are reaching for a state of perfection to gain some sort of approval.But what you are not realizing is that you have had our unconditional love and approval all along! If you can settle into an acceptance of that truth,you will start to relax and BE,and express yourself from the place of your own divinity,which will make all the difference in how you treat yourself,and others.Get off the merry-go-round of looking for the approval you have always had,and start to live according to your own beautiful,loving,giving,accepting,tender soul,and you will find the sense of joy,satisfaction and peace you"ve been looking for.

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Pay attention to your ideas

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Your attention is your energetic endorsement.

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Dear Ones,fast moving energies don't mean you will lose your balance.Movement and momentum can,in reality,support your balance,only requiring subtle adjustments as you go.In fact,it can be far more difficult to keep your state of balance with less movement.Think of being on a bicycle.When there is movement it is far easier to keep your balance than when you are slowed to a crawl.Be who you are,trust in what you know,and allow these fast moving energies to sweep you to where your soul has been yearning to go,for so very long.

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Discernment means sensing what feels right to you and for you

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You are meeting your secret sides in your relationship with yourself.The reason for this is your new viewpoints and cleared vision,while you are stripping away from the old.You are going through emotions that are both very distant and familiar to you.What is most important right now is your connection with yourself.Whatever is emerging,walk towards your depth,without ignoring it.May be there are sentences that are stuck there,anger that is sitting at the pit of your stomach,hands that have torn your heart apart; now is just the time to free those sentences,to release that anger,to move those hands away.

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