Strengthen your connection with the Divine
目前分類:天使 (3561)
- Jan 02 Fri 2015 14:00
【天使的智慧】2014-1-31 加強你與神聖(頻率)的連接
- Jan 01 Thu 2015 13:45
【天使的智慧】2014-12-30 信心
Have Confidence
- Dec 31 Wed 2014 14:31
【大天使加百利】2014-12-30 聆聽內在的推力
Dear Ones,you are always growing and evolving.If you feel inspired to do or try something,listen to that inner nudging.It may not make sense at the time,but your soul is always guiding you to take the next important step that will lead you to your next grand adventure.
- Dec 31 Wed 2014 14:26
【天使的智慧】2014-12-29 意識
- Dec 30 Tue 2014 14:20
【大天使加百利】2014-12-29 "不抗拒、臣服、愛"就是我們常說的"流動"
Where are you experiencing resistance in your life? It is the areas of most resistance that are begging to be transformed.Non-resistance will bring you the relief you seek.Surrender will bring you the relief you seek.Love will bring you the relief you seek.Do you see? Non-resistance,surrender,and love are the flow that we so often speak of.The flow is the vehicle that will get you to the comfort and joy you are missing.
- Dec 30 Tue 2014 14:16
【天使的智慧】2014-12-28 你所尋求的,也在尋求你
What you seek,is seeking you
- Dec 29 Mon 2014 13:56
【天使的智慧】2014-12-27 激活你的力量去療癒自己的生活
Activate your own power to heal your life
- Dec 28 Sun 2014 13:17
【天使的智慧】2014-12-26 照顧好自己
Take care of You
- Dec 27 Sat 2014 14:49
【大天使加百利】2014-12-26 你希望把什麼帶入2015年的能量中
- Dec 27 Sat 2014 14:46
【天使的智慧】2014-12-25 聖誕快樂
We wish you a wonderful day and thank you for being a part of each day through our messages,it is an honour to share in your experience in whatever humble way we do.
- Dec 26 Fri 2014 16:18
【大天使加百利】2014-12-25 看見生命的完美
If we could give you one thing for the holidays,it would be for you to see yourselves as we do.We wish you would allow yourselves to see how spectacular your beauty,your bravery,your compassion,your complete capability,your connectedness,your love,truly is.You are all divine perfection and loved wholly and completely for who you are and all you do.
- Dec 26 Fri 2014 16:07
【天使的智慧】2014-12-24 放鬆並表達喜悅
En-lighten Up and Express Joy
- Dec 25 Thu 2014 15:00
【大天使加百利】2014-12-24 行走於平和與喜悅的道路
What does it mean to walk a path of peace and joy? It means to give yourself and others unconditional love,and to allow that love to lead the way.It means to practice acceptance and allowing,and to see the perfection in all.It means to uplift and encourage others.It means to embrace your truth,your authentic power,and to show others that they can,too.It means committing to shining your light,and being the beautiful teachers by example.It means embracing your beingness and your divinity,and knowing that all else is illusion.It means living from a flow of abundance,and sharing from that place that knows there is always more than enough for everyone.It means understanding that what happens to the one affects the all.These are the things we wish for you,today and always,as you move forward during these amazing times.
- Dec 25 Thu 2014 14:57
【天使的智慧】2014-12-23 找到心中的平和
Find peace in your heart
- Dec 24 Wed 2014 14:19
今天我們想討論你詮釋訊息的方法。我們當然知道你是以訊息本來的樣子接收的。 但或許,以我們的眼光來看會對你有幫助。
- Dec 24 Wed 2014 14:04
【大天使加百利】2014-12-23 有意識的顯化大師
Every last thing you seek,whether it be love,joy,health,abundance,peace or anything else you wish to experience,becomes part of your experience by you noticing its existence first,and using your appreciation to grow it to your desired level.Once you understand that,you will embrace your own infinite ability to create and become a conscious master of manifestation.
- Dec 24 Wed 2014 14:02
【大天使加百利】2014-12-22 給予和接收
The holiday season is a time where there is a lot of focus on the act of giving and receiving.Do you prefer to give? Can you receive graciously? Can you give with an open heart from a place of love without expectation? Can you receive the same way?
- Dec 24 Wed 2014 13:56
【天使的智慧】2014-12-22 處於當下,享受旅程
Just be present and enjoy the ride
- Dec 23 Tue 2014 13:48
【天使的智慧】2014-12-21 放鬆和享受正在展開的進程
Relax and enjoy the process that is unfolding
- Dec 22 Mon 2014 14:57