Surrender and flow
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Dec 05 Fri 2014 14:34
【天使的智慧】2014-12-3 臣服和流動
- Dec 05 Fri 2014 14:32
【大天使加百利】2014-12-3 接納
Every time you judge another,you reject the flow of connectedness that exists between you and that person and separate yourself. Every time you judge yourself,you reject your own perfection and separate yourself from your own divinity.
- Dec 05 Fri 2014 14:30
【大天使加百利】2014-12-4 原諒
Dear Ones,forgiving someone who has wronged you does not for a second mean that you condone their behaviour. It means you no longer wish to hold the vibration of being victimized. It is the energetic dissolution of the binds that tie you to another in ways that do not match who you really are.
- Dec 04 Thu 2014 15:46
【天使長麥可】2014-12-3 這是放下舊的,容納新的的時期
- Dec 04 Thu 2014 14:31
【大天使加百利】2014-12-2 愛就是你所尋求的偉大擴張器和造物主
Dear Ones,would you feel better if you could substitute the words surrender and flow with love? Because surrendering into the flow is moving back into unconditional love. Love is the great expander and creator you are seeking. You cannot wish to experience love and then avoid surrender and flow and be successful. They are all one and the same. ~Archangel Gabriel
- Dec 03 Wed 2014 13:48
【天使的智慧】2014-12-2 溫柔
Treat yourself and others with the gentleness of your angels
- Dec 03 Wed 2014 13:48
【大天使加百利】2014-12-1 聆聽你內在的知識
Think of a professor who had devoted his entire life to the study of one particular topic and its history over the centuries. If you were interested in the same topic, would you go to him? Or would you listen to someone else who had studied something else entirely?
- Dec 02 Tue 2014 14:15
- Dec 02 Tue 2014 14:06
【大天使拉斐爾】2014-12-1 在愛中離開這個世界
Beloved Ones,
- Dec 02 Tue 2014 13:59
【天使的智慧】2014-11-30 創造性
Be Creative
- Dec 02 Tue 2014 13:55
【天使的智慧】2014-12-1 繼續前進
Keep Going
- Dec 01 Mon 2014 13:39
【大天使加百利】2014-11-30 夢想與實際行動要一致
Dear Ones,attempting to create the life of your dreams while holding back energetically is very much like expecting everyone to show up at a party that you have not invited anyone to. ~Archangel Gabriel
- Nov 30 Sun 2014 13:20
【大天使加百利】2014-11-28 你是來地球愛、享受、體驗和進化的
Having a relationship end and choosing not to love again is like having a car break down and then deciding never to drive again. You are severely limiting your ability to have the satisfying experiences you crave and deserve,if you are excluding such necessary elements. Choosing to retaliate in a way that denies self is only keeping yourself in the energies that upset you in the first place,and will only perpetuate the discomfort you are trying to avoid.
- Nov 30 Sun 2014 13:16
【天使的智慧】2014-11-29 愛生活
You are dearly loved,love each moment,love and live each day of your life
- Nov 29 Sat 2014 14:25
【天使的智慧】2014-11-28 協調到你的想法和感受
Tune into your thoughts and feelings
- Nov 29 Sat 2014 14:19
【天使的智慧】2014-11-27 新的體驗機遇
New opportunities to experience
- Nov 28 Fri 2014 14:06
【大天使加百利】2014-11-21 內在靈魂的轉變之光
- Nov 28 Fri 2014 14:05
【大天使加百利】2014-11-27 你總是完整
Some human beings hold the idea that you can lose parts of yourself – that you can lose your innocence,that you can lose your ability to trust,your ability to love. In reality,you hold all things. You can never,ever lose an aspect of yourself. People cannot take parts of you away from you. There is always a part of you that is full and complete. What has happened is you have made a decision to allow those traits to diminish,to fall into dormancy.
- Nov 28 Fri 2014 13:59
【天使的智慧】2014-11-26 心的種子
Seeds of the Heart
- Nov 27 Thu 2014 13:49
【大天使加百利】2014-11-26 想像力
Your imagination is the tool the connects you to your highest visions,your inspired creations. Making time to play with your imagination is the ultimate in freedom,because it taps you into not only your alignment with Source,but also into a realm of endless possibilities. As children,so many of you were taught to dismiss your imagination,which was the beginning of your disempowerment.