目前分類:天使 (3560)

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Many human beings don't like to 「put themselves out there」 for another person. They think,I'm not going to love that person if they don't show me they love me first. Or,Why should I a`ppreciate that person because they don't a`ppreciate me? We understand this may seem very p`rudent and wise from your p`erspective,but it cannot get you where you wish to be. In fact,by living that way everyone holds out and nobody wins.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You are being asked to step forward,take charge and be living your life more in your purpose than ever before. This means living your life from your truth,following your passion and trusting in yourself and your guidance. If you are unsure what your purpose is,then it is time to do things that bring joy,excitement,and passion to your life and your journey. Begin by changing the things you can,even the little things will make a difference and the rest will fall into place as it should. If you are stuck as to what is the next best step to take,don"t wait,just take one and trust that there will be another and another and that as you move forward the path will be more clear.

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Dear Ones,if you wish to shift into a better feeling energy,just love. Find something to love. Find a situation to love. Find an animal to love. Wrap yourself up in love. Go to a place you love. Send love to your planet. Send love to your past self and your future self. Show your love by giving to a charity. Go out on a mission of love and beam it to every human being and situation you come across. Because the act of loving is how you can instantaneously reconnect with the truth of your being,which will immediately shift you into your highest alignment and allow you to feel wonderful. That is the beautiful thing about loving – whether you are giving or receiving,everybody wins. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Appreciation is the one aspect that will water and grow your relationships and ensure that everyone feels honoured for their unique contributions and beingness. People will naturally want to do their best if they feel efforts are noticed and celebrated by others. Why not spend the day looking for things to appreciate in others and letting them know what you find? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Release the heaviness and cast away your burdens

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Keep your thoughts positive and focused

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Never underestimate the power of your soul to tell you exactly what it needs,or to use its innate intelligence to shift and evolve. As long as you are willing to stay out of resistance and pay attention to what your inner being is telling you,you will find yourself flowing into the exact circumstances you require. Trust that you are part of a system that is divinely intelligent and works seamlessly for you when you let it.

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Allow your purpose to find you

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We would like to reassure you that no good deed goes unnoticed. It is not a matter of reward or punishment for your behaviour,but an energetic answering to your emanations. Know that every time you choose to assist,it really doesn't matter if you get the instant result you may be looking for from the other person or situation because it is the universe that will respond to you in a myriad of ways. It is the joy of expressing yourself as you really are that matters. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Dear Ones,we encourage you to stop rating your experiences by what is deemed normal by your society and to start using your own inner compass to decide whether something is acceptable or not. This is why being in touch with your feelings is so important. You must be able to know how you feel in order to tell whether something is in line with who you truly are or not. Again we encourage you to be the expert on you,and to navigate your life expression based on what feels right based on your own truth. The spark of divinity that exists in each and every one of you will always lead the way. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Let your spirit soar

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Take time out to enjoy your life.

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So many of you have experienced things that were masquerading as love,that weren't love at all. Again we say,love does not hurt,love does not reject,love does not betray,love does not judge or control another. The hurtful experiences that you may have had are caused by the absence of love,not by love itself.

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The Mysteries of the Universe are unfolding

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Surrender and flow

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Every time you judge another,you reject the flow of connectedness that exists between you and that person and separate yourself. Every time you judge yourself,you reject your own perfection and separate yourself from your own divinity.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,forgiving someone who has wronged you does not for a second mean that you condone their behaviour. It means you no longer wish to hold the vibration of being victimized. It is the energetic dissolution of the binds that tie you to another in ways that do not match who you really are.

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Dear Ones,would you feel better if you could substitute the words surrender and flow with love? Because surrendering into the flow is moving back into unconditional love. Love is the great expander and creator you are seeking. You cannot wish to experience love and then avoid surrender and flow and be successful. They are all one and the same. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Treat yourself and others with the gentleness of your angels

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