目前分類:天使 (3561)

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Dear Ones,you have been through such thorough purging and releasing as part of your enlightenment process.Do you know what has been left behind? You.The pure essence of you.Glorious,shining YOU.It is from that place of truth and transparency that you will be drawing to you the truest matches for yourselves,in all areas of your life.What an incredible gift you have given yourselves! Shine bright,and be ready to be dazzled by the fruits of your labour.

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Rapid Development is possible

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Just like intending to soak up energy from the sun,it is a marvellous practice to take a moment to embrace the divine energies available to you during your holiday season.You are about to enter a time that will be featuring an influx of the Christed energy.Why not consciously welcome it into every cell of your being? It is a glorious treat for your body and soul.

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Spend some time alone,in solitude and rediscover yourself

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When you experience things as being magical,you are noticing evidence of the divine being present with you.If you understand that you are an aspect of Source having a physical experience,and that magic is Source energy making itself known in physicality,you must then be magic,too! Do you see? There is magic and divinity,in you and all around you.It is what you came from,it is what you are,and it is what you can create from.

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Keep hope alive in your heart

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When you mail a letter,you address it,put a stamp on it,and place it in a mailbox,secure that it will reach its destination.You do not worry about the steps that will make it happen.You do not need to figure out who will take it out of the box,or where all the helpers are to get it where it needs to be.You simply trust the system is in place,and that it will work.

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Take a deep breathand find your centre.

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For many of you,this is a very busy time of year.When the demands of your life become more than usual,it is so important to make time to stop,still yourself,breathe,and take a moment to connect with Source.There are no special words or rituals required.It is simply making the choice to allow your divine spark to connect back to your power centre.Think of it as recharging your batteries,if you will.It only takes a short time to do and it allows you to move forward in a way that is supported,balanced and reenergized.

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Your truth is being made visible; the steps you take determine your path.You are in communication with was rises and comes from the depths of your hearts,creating your own reality.Continue the meeting with yourself with a deep,huge breath.As your speed,vibration increases and rises,you are the creator of monetary creations.Without stopping that creator rising from within you,allow it to introduce itself.Let it show you what it remembers,knows,let it meet you again,among the new.Everything is together and whole in your now.Everything is here and now,with its most approachable form.Embrace change,the beauties offers to you with love! Now.

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The time you have been waiting for is now

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Dear Ones,in order to experience the abundance you desire,you must start to live abundantly.That means letting go of the illusion of lack and truly beginning to understand that there is a wealth of abundance for you to tap into whenever you like.

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Take some chances and be bold

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One of the ways humans limit themselves,and frustrate themselves greatly,is by expecting things to be delivered from a certain source.For example,if they give love to a person,they expect it back from that person.If they are kind to another,they expect kindness back.If it doesn't,the person withdraws even further,thinking that the world is very unfair.

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Be Empowered.

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We invite you to stop for a moment and consider this.You are an aspect of Source energy,miraculously embodied to experience these amazing times on your planet.Your body is an incredible feat of engineering,intelligently and effortlessly running systems and supports to assist you on your quest.Your lightbody,equally intelligent,is shifting and evolving to support and match your evolution.You are made of flesh and bones,DNA,etheric matter,universal energy,ideas,divine inspiration,magic,stardust and love.You are a miracle,just as you are.

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As you ask,so shall it be

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Hope is the part of your soul that already knows there is a greater potential,beckoning to you.

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Detoxification of mind,body,and spirit

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