My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Today, we're going to go into a little more depth about the nature of your vibrational offerings, how the past affects the present, and how you can change that.
As you look back upon your life, you will recall many things that once seemed incredibly important, challenging, or frightening that now seem insignificant. As well, every challenge you face today will one day become only simply a distant memory. As you journey through eternity, you will all eventually conclude that the here and now matter most. In the here and now, you can be present in your current environment. You can also activate memories of the past or indulge in dreams (or worries) for the future. Wherever you point your thoughts, you are focusing your attention and therefore activating vibrations, in the here and now.
You might think of the analogy of your television. You can watch current news. You can watch the History Channel or any number of dramatizations of the past. You can watch futuristic movies, listen to predictions, or even journey beyond time and space into realms of fantasy. No matter what"space/time"you tune into via your television, you are doing the tuning in the here and now. You are not in the past or the future in the 3D sense. You are focusing on the past, present, future, or alternate space/time, and with this focus, you are activating vibrations within you. As you know, these vibrations will start to attract different outcomes.
Each of you, based on a huge number of factors, will activate different vibrations. Two people can watch the same show and activate completely different vibrations. One person can watch a thriller movie and laugh through the whole thing, activating vibrations and feelings of security, humor, and joy. Another might watch the very same movie and be on the edge of their seat with anticipation, activating vibrations of suspense, anticipation, and feelings of cleverness as they intuit the plot. A third might become fearful and feel dreadful watching the same movie, thereby activating vibrations of insecurity and fear. None of these individuals is wrong. They are simply tuning to the same reality, activating different vibrations—either intentionally or by habit—and attracting like vibrations in their lives.
Similarly, you can recall or talk about your past and—for better or worse—activate all the vibrations associated with it. You focus on a desired (or a fearsome) future and activate all the vibrations associated with that. No matter where in space/time you place your focus, and no matter where the vibrations you activated originate, you are activating them here and now.
While this might seem interesting or even overly"technical,"our reason for pointing this out is that your power is in the present moment. Right here, right now, you can select your vibration consciously by deliberately choosing to focus on the thoughts and things that feel better to you, or you can allow external life to dictate your vibration. As you choose to tune into the thoughts and things that comfort you, soothe you, and help you feel even a little better, you begin to attract better. If you allow life to dictate your vibrations, then, dear ones, you are at the mercy of the external world, and this is not always the most joyful place to be.
雖然這可能看起來很有趣或者過於專業,但我們指出這一點的原因是,你的力量在當下。 就在此時此地,你可以透過選擇專注於那些讓你感覺更好的想法和事物來有意識地選擇你的振動,或者你也可以讓外在生活來決定你的振動。當你選擇專注在那些能夠安慰你、安撫你、幫助你感覺好一點的想法和事物時,你就會開始吸引更好的人。如果你讓外在生活來決定你的振動,那麼,親愛的,你就會受到外在世界所左右,而這並不總是最快樂的。
There is much talk about the"unconscious mind"controlling you, but in reality, it only controls you when it becomes active in your present and you don't choose to do something about it. Once you feel bad about something in your past, it is no longer unconscious. Once something reminds you of your past, it is no longer unconscious. Once you react to the present based on your past, it is no longer unconscious. Your unpleasant feelings are the indicator that you have activated an unwanted vibration in your here and now.
Once you notice unpleasant feelings or reactions, you can do something about them. You can begin to recalibrate your energy by reaching for a thought, thing, or situation that feels better. Only the active vibrations, in the here and now, affect how you feel and what you attract. What is unconscious and, therefore, inactive plays no role in your creations. Only when vibrations are activated do they control you.
You have the potential to access every channel possible on your television, but that only matters when you pick it up, turn it on, focus it, and select a channel to watch. Furthermore, you must remain focused on that channel to activate its vibrations within you. Likewise, your unconscious mind has access to every possible vibration you can emit, but only when these vibrations become active do they begin to create results.
We bring this finer point to your attention to help you reclaim your power to change, feel better, and attract what you wish. You can't control something that is"unconscious."However, the moment a vibration becomes active in your here and now, you will become conscious of it because you feel the associated emotion—good, bad, or neutral.
And here is a point that matters so deeply that it will give you your power back in a much greater way—It does not matter whether or not you know why a vibration is active within you right here and now. It doesn't matter if that came from your past or your present. All that matters is how you are tuning.
Whether or not you realize that you are angry at someone because they remind you of your past, you can choose to reach for a thought that feels better than anger. If it helps you to understand why you feel as you do, by all means, go within. However, if focusing on your past just dredges up more bad feelings, focus on anything better! If you can't do this on your own, get some help, dear ones because you deserve to feel good and attract good.
The therapy of the future will not involve finding and feeling your past pain so much as helping you find and feel your natural joy when you accidentally activate your pain. There are many movements involving the study and support of happiness beginning to sprout up around your planet that are the steps toward this path. Modalities are already arising to help people"rewire"to neutral states so their natural joy can arise. These will gain momentum even during your lives.
The healing of the future will not be biased toward fighting disease but rather by assisting well-being. There are centers, insurance incentives, and healers in both medical and metaphysical realms working this way right now. They will increase in number.
The future of business will involve more conscious tuning and less frenetic action. Mastermind groups and individuals are creating this way right now. It will become more mainstream.
In the future, when a world conflict arises, larger groups will come together to focus on the feelings and emanations of peace. These gatherings already exist on your planet. They will grow in number and cause even greater ripples of peace and compassion in the human pond.
Dear ones, your past is a set of practiced thoughts and beliefs that can activate within you. Your future is a set of possible focus points that can be activated within you. Even in your present space/time, you have much to choose from and many different vibrations that can ensue. Whether you focus on the past, present, future, or imagined space/time, you get to choose in the very next moment to focus on something better. You get to reach for a better feeling. You get to soothe yourself, accept yourself, and be kind to yourself even in your grief, pain, or fear, and in so doing, you are choosing to draw more love into your experience.
You are not at the mercy of the external world as much as you think. It can easily"trip your trigger"and activate old practiced patterns, but just as a bump in the road can temporarily set your car off course, you can quickly grab the wheel or refocus your mind and steer yourself once again on a kinder and gentler path.
All that matters is now. In this moment, shut your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and simply intend to receive our love. Sometimes, that is the kindest choice you can make for yourself. Whether your present moment is beautiful or unthinkably painful, we are here to help you find, focus on, and feel better. We are here to help you remember that love is always available right here, right now.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
傳訊:Ann Albers