
A man in drag wearing a silicon mask and a reality TV actor are being presented to the American people as presidential candidates. No wonder 80% of US citizens think their country is 「spiraling out of control.」

This visual representation of US debt shows why the show is going to have to end.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

Welcome to the final days of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation.

What the people staging this election farce need to understand is that out there, there is this thing known as reality and no matter how hard you try to avoid it, it eventually has a way of catching up to you.

Let's start with Kamala Harris, who is now the 「Democratic」 Parties' candidate that they finally pulled the plug on the slow Joe Biden show. All though we cannot confirm this 100% our Pentagon sources say the person who will be wearing the mask

and pretending to be Kamala Harris is a football coach by the name of Cam Cameron. He will be advised by big swinging dick Mike Obama on how to act like a 「woman of color.」 This is the team that will be the designated losers in the planned show.
「假扮賀錦麗的是一名名叫卡麥隆(Cam Cameron)的美式足球教練。歐巴馬將指導他如何表現得像個『有色人種女性』。」而這支隊伍將在計劃的表演中成為指定的失敗者。

Could you imagine this person going into negotiations as an equal with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping?

Look at who is endorsing her, Gavin Newsom, the Clintons and the usual suspects. 「This was already planned weeks if not months ago. More of the circus show in play,」 a Pentagon source comments.
看看誰在支持她,就是紐森(Gavin Newsom)、克林頓家族和那班司空見慣的人渣軍團。五角大樓評論說:「這已計劃了數個星期,甚至數個月。這是場更多馬戲表演中的一部份。」

This is Time Magazine's new cover after Joe Biden quits the presidential race against Donald Trump.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

By the way, does anybody know what this thing is that Joe Biden appears to be secretly handing over on his way out?

Anyway, now let us look at 「Donald Trump.」 First, let us confirm the person appearing in the photo below as Trump, is not him. Trump's official biography says he is 6 foot three inches tall (1.9 meters) while Vance's biography says he is five foot seven inches (1.7 meters tall). Now look at them standing beside each other in the photo below.
總之,現在讓我們來看看 「川普」。首先,確認下圖中以川普形像出現的並非真身。川普官方傳記說他身高6呎3吋,而JD萬斯的傳記說他身高5呎7吋。現在看看下圖中站在一起的兩人。


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

his Trump is shorter than 5'7」.

(Some sources dispute this saying Vance is also 6'3〞 but in either case we are sure the real Trump is staying safe at Mt Cheyenne)

This confirms what eyewitnesses at Mar A Largo have told us in the past; the person appearing in public as Trump is not him. We keep hearing from our US Space Force sources the real Donald Trump is at the Mt. Cheyenne military base in Colorado directing the military white hats. This Trump we see in public now is a white hat actor working for the Trump in Mt. Cheyenne.

For now though, let us look at the one who until recently has appeared in public.

We note he participated in a Freemason assassination reality show (yes they often kill real people in their shows) designed to give him a photo shoot and designate him as the new leader of the US Corporation.

Whistleblowers reveal most of Trump's security at the event were not Secret Service, but inexperienced and unprepared members of the Department of Homeland Security.

As evidence of how this assassination attempt was a fake show, take a look at the actress in the video below pretending to be a Secret Service agent.

These kids in Africa did a better acting job and should hired for the next assassination show.

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino spilled the beans on Donald Trump Jr's show with Tucker Carlson and David Sacks:
前特勤員丹邦吉諾(Dan Bongino)在川普兒子的節目中向卡爾森和薩克斯(David Sacks)透露真相:

「I was also told that the Secret Service Director has been given instructions from the Administration and the DHS Secretary that if you want to keep your job, you'll keep your mouth shut about this.」

Since she obviously did not, the head of the secret service has taken the fall for this widely renounced farce.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

In any case, the Trump who until recently appeared in public, is an out and out Zionist as is his running mate J.D. Vance. Here you can see them wearing a Jewish skullcap of submission while kissing the wall of an old fort built by the Roman destroyers of the nation of Judea. However, at this time we are not sure if the this is the same J.D. Vance.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

The Trump we used to see in public is the one who promoted 「Operation Warp Speed」 to murder as many Americans as possible as quickly as possible with toxic vaccines. Vance is a partner of Battelle Biodefense Laboratories (funded by Anthony Fauci for Moderna) who said 「Let's fire thousands of nurses who refuse to get the vaccine.」
我們經常在公開場合看到的川普就是那個推動《曲速行動》(Operation Warp Speed),用有毒疫苗盡快謀殺盡可能多的國人的傢伙。萬斯是「巴特爾生物防禦實驗室(Battelle Biodefense Laboratories/弗奇為莫德納提供資助)」的合夥人,他曾說過「讓我們解僱成千上萬拒絕接種疫苗的護理員」。

Vance also said we should let Israel prosecute the genocide in Gaza 「the way they see fit.」
萬斯還說,我們應該讓以色列 「以他們認為合適的方式 」起訴加薩的種族滅絕行為。

In the video linked below you can watch him say 「In America, we love the Jews.」
在以下影片連接中可看到他說 「在美國,我們愛猶太人。」

As a Jewish person, I find this insulting just like I think if I would feel insulted if I was a black person and was told 「In America we love the blacks.」 Why pick out a specific group for love?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr said Trump picking Vance is 「A Salute to the CIA」 that 「Their gravy train is going to continue.」

Anyway, this Wednesday the Khazarian Mafian reality show pretending to be the US government will welcome their real leader, the mass murdering Benyamin Netanyahu. Jewish liberation activists like Henry Makow say 「Trump is being installed to lead the West into a suicidal war against Iran, Russia and China.」
無論如何,本週三,假扮美政府的可薩真人秀將迎來他們真正的領袖—大屠殺者班傑明·納坦雅胡。像亨利馬科(Henry Makow)這樣的猶太解放活動者說:「川普的上台是為了將西方帶入一場針對伊朗、俄羅斯和中國的自殺式戰爭。」

Now I realize Donald Trump has many fanatical supporters. Here for example you can watch a genuinely enthusiastic-looking Hulk Hogan say Trump will 「make America great again.」
現在我意識到川普有許多狂熱支持者。例如,在這裏可看到看起來真誠熱情的著名摔跤手霍克霍根(Hulk Hogan)說川普會「讓美國再次偉大」。

OK so now let us look at the possibility we really are dealing with two competing timelines, as our Secret Space Force sources say. They say one timeline features a vaccine-pushing Zionist Trump who wants to start World War III. In the other timeline, the real Trump at the Mt. Cheyenne Space Force Base in Colorado is playing 5D chess and is about to arrest 300 top KM bosses and put them in front of military tribunals.

There is actually a lot of evidence now that we have entered the timeline of the 「good Trump.」 If you don't believe in timelines then think of it as a new group of script-writers and a new plot for the Trump reality show actor.

Here for example you can see the World Economic Forum's Yuval Noah Harari, advisor to the now deceased Klaus Schwab say 「"If Trump becomes President again in 2024…it will be the final death blow…to the Global Order…」
舉例來說,可看到已經去世的世界經濟論壇施瓦布的顧問哈拉瑞(Yuval Noah Harari),說:「如果2024年川普再次當選…將是對全球秩序的最後致命打擊…」

Next, we have CNN pushing a Trump landslide victory in the video linked below.

Also, it appears the new Trump is AGAINST VACCINES. In a leak between Trump and RFK Jr., Trump reached out to Kennedy looking for an endorsement. Trump is heard here discussing the dangers of vaccinating babies, and how 「something is wrong with that whole system」. This Trump is offering the job of dealing with the pharmacidical companies in exchange for his support.

Now the MSM is going to start calling Trump an 「anti-vaxxer」 because he talked with RFK Jr. about the dangers of absurd US vaccine usage on babies.This will actually work in Trump's favor. Pretty much everyone is a vaccine skeptic now.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

The talking heads in the corporate media seem to know it's over. Here you can watch CNN's Van Jones feel the walls closing in:
主流媒體中的評論者似乎知道情勢不妙。看看CNN節目主持人范瓊斯(Van Jones)感受到壓力逐漸增大:

「A bullet couldn't stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden…The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together.」

In another sign Obama and his puppets have lost power, the 「diversity, equity, and inclusion」 and 「environmental, social, and governance」 gravy trains on Wall Street are coming to an abrupt end.
另一個跡象顯示,歐巴馬和其傀儡已失去權勢,華爾街的 「多元化、公平性和包容性 」以及 「環境、社會和治理 」這兩列贓物車正戛然而止。

This is going to affect the US military as well. 「The massive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts in the United States military, its training and its pseudo-scientific assessments are at best distractions that absorb valuable time and resources…At worst they communicate the opposite of the military ethos:e.g. that individual demographic differences come before team and mission…The surest way to eliminate the concerning trends we have identified, and the growth of race and sex-based scapegoating and stereotyping in the U.S. military, is to altogether end the DEI bureaucracy there,」 a new Arizona State University study states.」

Expect all the fake cross-dressing generals to be fired soon.

Something is also going to be done about the illegal immigrants.  Trump's incoming ICE director delivers a powerful message to every illegal immigrant who has crossed the border:「You better start packing now… because you're going home.」 To the cartels, he declared, 「Trump will wipe you off the face of the Earth!YOU'RE DONE, YOU'RE DONE.」

It is also looking like the fake assassination attempt was allowed to go ahead in order to flush out the people behind a real attempt.It turns out the Rothschild Family, BlackRock (Rockefeller), Vanguard, Meta, George Bush and the Cheney Family, reportedly shorted 15 million shares of Donald Trump's stock Friday, July 12th the day before the assassination attempt.

Look at the volume of his TMTG Corp.

Thursday Volume:3,956,160

Friday Volume:35,643,508

Thursday Day High:$30.31

Friday Day High:$15,638.32!

That is an 801% increase in one day.

In a further twist, the Pennsylvania Trump rally shooter building was owned by BlackRock and managed by former executives from Pfizer, according to Polish intelligence.

Let's see if this is finally the trigger for all these crooks to be finally arrested.

We are also hearing from white hat sources that JD Vance from the new timeline (or plotline) is going after Microsoft and Bill Gates.

This is what triggered the global IT outage last week connected to Crowdstrike now jokingly known as 「CrowdStroke.」 This news release on Sky News Australia summarizes what happened.

微軟系統全球大當機重點一次看 出包公司CrowdStrike是什麼?

CrowdStrike慘了? 微軟IT大當機災損估逾10億美元

This is how the Las Vegas sphere responded to the global outage. See the attached photo it's really something
Only computers running on Bill Gates' Microsoft Windows were impacted.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊


Who owns Crowdstrike?The usual suspects, including Vanguard, BlackRock and Invesco.

The company's earlier claim to fame had been putting itself at the center of 「Russiagate,」 a US conspiracy theory claiming President Trump was a Russian spy.


CrowdStrike's name also came up in the infamous 2019 phone call between Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky, with the then-US president asking Zelensky to 「do us a favor」 and 「find out what happened」 with CrowdStrike's server, which Trump said was in Ukraine.


【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

Crowdstrike servers are in Ukraine. Crowdstrike are connected to DNC. Crowdstrike servers are connected to Clinton Foundation open "humanitarian missions' in Ukraine

Watch Crowdstrike CEO start panicking and choking on his words when the media asks him why a single content update could shut down the entire system. Look at how nervous this man is. What is he hiding?

This internet outage has been widely linked to WEF warnings of some sort of cyber disaster.

They are also planning worse disasters. It is now clear beyond a doubt the KM is still trying to cause a food crisis. This is already well under way in Europe and now it is coming to America. Lobbyists for the Cattleman and Pork Associations confirm they will be using mRNA Vaccines in Pigs and Cows this month. 「No one knows the impacts of doing this but we are all potentially facing the risk of being a "DiedSuddenly' if we don't stop this,」 warns attorney Thomas Renz
他們也正計劃更嚴重的災禍。現在已毫無疑問地清楚,克里米亞是在試圖引發食品危機。這在歐洲已有很大進展,現在正蔓延到美國。牛肉和豬肉協會的遊說人士證實,他們將在本月在豬牛身上使用mRNA疫苗。倫茨(Thomas Renz)律師警告:「沒有人知道這次的影響,但如果我們不阻止的話,人人都可能面臨『突然掛掉』的風險。

A rancher is also warning of the government's experimentation with mRNA vaccines on the U.S. meat supply, noting that 25% of the pigs that received the shots have died.

His video interview is in the link below:

There is also an attempt to shut down agriculture. In Idaho, the government is trying to fine farmers $300 per acre to force them to stop using water. The farmers in the video below say the 182 acres they would be forced to shut down would grow enough wheat for 1 million loaves of bread. The Idaho government wants to shut down 500,000 acres or the equivalent of 2,8 billion loaves of bread. So that would take about 8 loaves of bread from each American. It will also cause a huge jump in beef and milk prices. This is happening even though there is plenty of water.

The man responsible is Zionist governor Brad Little. Also, the Twin Falls Canal Company is responsible and their top shareholder is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, ie the Mormons so, the trail leads to Mitt Romney. These criminals will be dealt with.
對此負責的是錫安主義州長利特爾(Brad Little)。此外,雙瀑布運河公司(Twin Falls Canal)也應對此負責,他們的第一大股東是耶穌基督後期聖徒教會,即摩門教,因此,線索指向羅姆尼(Mitt Romney)。這些罪犯將被繩之以法。

Another thing that is being dealt with is the corporate censorship of the truth. The House Judiciary Committee says an organization known as the Global Alliance for Responsible Media censors conservative and opposing viewpoints in the media by targeting figures such as Joe Rogan and entire social media platforms such as X (formerly Twitter).
正處理的另一件事是企業對真相的審查。眾議院司法委員會表示,一個名為《全球負責媒體聯盟》(The Global Alliance for Responsible Media)的組織通過針對喬羅根(Joe Rogan)等人物和整個社媒平台(如推特),來審查保守派和反對意見。

As someone who has experienced their boycotts first hand I agree they are probably the biggest obstacle in the dissemination of truth.

As things stand this is the sort of stunt people have to pull to get the truth about things like the systematic torture into the corporate media. Look at the guy standing behind a CNN announcer wearing a T-shirt asking 「Where is the Jeffrey Epstein client list?」

Here is an example of the sort of press release they would punish media for publishing. Why isn't the New York Times reporting that the Justice Department is suing the largest housing provider for unaccompanied children in the United States for systematically sexually exploiting countless children?

Here is part of the release:

The Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Southwest Key Programs Inc. (Southwest Key), a Texas-based nonprofit that provides housing to unaccompanied children who are encountered at the southern land border of the United States. The lawsuit alleges that Southwest Key, through its employees, has engaged in a pattern or practice of sexual abuse and harassment of unaccompanied children in Southwest Key shelters in violation of the Fair Housing Act.
「司法部已對位於德州的非營利組織《Southwest Key Programs Inc.》(SK)提起訴訟,該組織提供住房給在美南部陸地邊界遇到的未成年單獨移民兒童。訴訟指控SK及其員工通過其行為,在SK的收容所內對未成年單獨移民兒童進行性虐待和騷擾,違反了《公平住房法》。」

「Sexual harassment of children in residential shelters, where a child should be safe and secure, is abusive, dehumanizing and unlawful,」 said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division. 「Sexual abuse of children is a crisis that we can't ignore or turn a blind eye to. This lawsuit seeks relief for children who have been abused and harmed, and meaningful reforms to ensure no child in these shelters is ever subjected to sexual abuse again.」
「司法部民權司助理司法部長克拉克(Kristen Clarke)說:『在兒童應該安全無虞的寄宿庇護所中對兒童進行性騷擾是一種虐待、非人道和非法的行為。』對兒童性虐待是我們不能忽視或視而不見的危機。本訴訟案旨在為受到虐待和傷害的兒童尋求救濟,並進行有意義的改革,以確保這些收容所中的兒童不再受到性虐待。」

Southwest Key operates 29 shelters that provide temporary housing for unaccompanied children in Texas, Arizona and California. Multiple Southwest Key employees subjected children in their care to severe or pervasive sexual harassment that has included, among other things, sexual contact and inappropriate touching, solicitation of sex acts, solicitation of nude photos, entreaties for inappropriate relationships and sexual comments.

葛文紐森(Gavin Newsom)面臨針對爭議性跨性別法律訴訟

The case is over a new California law barring school districts from having to notify parents of their child's gender identity change.


The situation is no better in Europe. Last week the General Court of the European Union ruled European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen broke European law. Von der Leyen is married to Heiko von der Leyen, a German doctor who is the director of Orgenesis, a company owned by Pfizer.  This is the same company that Ursula von der Leyen signed a €71 billion contract to purchase 4.6 billion doses of the COVID vaccine.

The next day von der Leyen was re-elected as head of the EU. We are hearing European MPs were threatened with violence if they failed to elect her. Here you can watch Polish MEP Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik tell Ursula von der Leyen what most people think of her.
隔天,馮德萊恩再次當選為歐盟主席。我們聽說,歐洲議會議員如果未能選舉她,將面臨暴力威脅。在這裏可觀看波蘭歐洲議會議員赫爾尼克( Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik

Pentagon sources promise 「She and her husband will still be taken care of as needed by the Military Tribunals.」

Then there is the situation in the UK. There Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky arrived at the residence of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. They agreed to a $2.5 billion Ukrainian money laundering scheme for the KM.

The rest of the world is sick of this show. The diplomatic cover-up of Israel's actions has made Washington directly involved in the Middle East conflict as well as in Ukraine, Chairman of the UN Security Council, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says

Hungary believes that the intensity of the conflict in Ukraine will escalate radically in the near future, since both parties of the conflict intend to continue hostilities, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a letter sent to the President of the European Council Charles Michel following the results of his peacekeeping mission to Kiev, Moscow, Beijing and Washington from July 2 to 11.
匈牙利總理奧班(Viktor Orban)在7月2日至11日進行的維和使命結束後,向歐理會主席米歇爾(Charles Michel)發送的一封信中表示,匈認為烏衝突的激烈程度將在不久的將來顯著升級,因衝突雙方都打算繼續敵對行為。

「There is a connection between Russia's war on Ukraine and the Red Sea,」 General Frank Mckenzie, the retired commander of US Central Command told Middle East Eye.
美中央指揮部退役指揮官麥肯齊(Frank Mckenzie)在接受《中東之眼》採訪時表示:「俄烏戰爭與紅海之間存在關聯。」

Even former allies like Japan and Germany are distancing themselves from KM-controlled US and Israel.

This news from Japan:

[It could take several years before Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is able to raise the output of patriot missiles], is actually a sign the Japanese government has decided to stop subsidizing the US Corporation, Japanese right-wing sources say.

Germany for its part has just cut its military aid for Ukraine in half.

We are also hearing North Korea, sensing US weakness, is preparing to reunify the Korean Peninsula on its' terms. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met a Russian military delegation headed by Deputy Defense Minister Alexey Krivoruchko to discuss military cooperation between North Korea and the Russian Federation.
我們還聽說,北韓感受到美的弱點,正準備按照自己的條件統一朝鮮半島。金正恩會見了由俄羅斯副國防長克裡沃魯奇科(Alexey Krivoruchko)率領的俄羅斯軍代表團,討論了北韓與俄羅斯聯邦之間的軍事合作。

By the way, we noted readers' comments about how North Korea could not possibly have 20,000 tons of gold and two-thirds of the world's rare earth metals. All I can say is that is what a North Korean representative I met in person told me. He may have been exaggerating but there can be no doubt North Korea has huge mineral reserves and would rather develop them with Western partners than with China.

The US would be wise to strike a deal with North Korea because -as the US is running out of money for its forever wars- China has decided to suspend arms control and non-proliferation consultations with the United States

倡議五核國締互不先使用核武條約 中國代表促美停止亞太部署中導

Since China produces 12 times more steel than the US it means they are going to end their policy of deliberately keeping their military small and will now build it up to many times bigger than the US.
When the Chinese decide to do something big, they do. As an example, China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations PER WEEK.

China will achieve its 1,200GW wind and solar installed capacity by 2030 target by the end of July 2024, six years ahead of schedule.

中國料提早5年實現2030綠色能源目標 太陽能裝機容量超外國總和

This is the gist of what came out of the big Chinse government meeting last week:

Ensuring the people's well-being and protecting the environment…the present and the near future constitute a critical period…seek truth from facts, move with the times, and take a realistic and pragmatic approach,…we will focus on building a high-standard socialist market economy, advancing whole-process people's democracy…must better leverage the role of the market, foster a fairer and more dynamic market environment, and make resource allocation as efficient and productive as possible…. We will ensure that economic entities under all forms of ownership have equal access to factors of production in accordance with the law, compete in the market on an equal footing, and are protected by the law as equals,.. promoting full integration between the real economy and the digital economy,…implement the strategy of invigorating China through science and education,…improve the systems and mechanisms for applying the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. We will improve the basic systems for ecological conservation,…China remains firmly committed to pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and is dedicated to promoting a human community with a shared future…call for an equal and orderly multipolar world and universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

中共三中全會2.2萬字文件公布 範圍超出經濟觸及軍事

This is not just talk. If the West does not improve its economic system ASAP China will leave us in the dust.

Finally this week, in a sign some sort of sky event may be starting, strange streams of light have started appearing in Southern Poland. Polish intelligence tells us it seems to be an artificial action of the Darpa or Haarp type of phenomenon.

【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊

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【本傑明·福爾富德】2024-7-22 每週快訊


Well, that is all for this week folks. The next two reports will be pre-written as I take my holiday but we will try to provide relevant video clips.









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