Are you accepting all of the love and joy and riches the universe has to offer you or are you excepting them? Because you are equally able to do either. It is simply a matter of what you are allowing.

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Dear Ones, if all you do is complain about how hard the ascension is, why would anyone want to follow your lead? You are the ones the next wave of humanity will look to for guidance. By focusing on all the gifts that come with the enlightenment process, you will be further supporting the entire system and encouraging others, as well as making the process much more joyous for yourselves. We understand the process has been long and arduous for many of you, but the days of struggle are behind you. It is time to rejoice in the energies that are available to you now and shine in that light.

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There is an interesting phenomena we observe in some enlightening human beings. They profess to want something, yet they continue on in their old ways and habits that don't support the very changes they say they want. So, they may speak of wanting to be a healer, yet never take the course that would give them the skills. Or they spout spirituality to others yet are "too busy' to practice themselves. Perhaps they talk at length about how people should treat others, then angrily react when a situation doesn't go their way. Many, many humans understand that a certain activity in no way honours them, yet they continue to do it, expecting a different result.

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You may, on occasion, witness outbursts from people, particularly from those who have not yet learned how to practice balance and energetic clarity and are resisting where the new energies are trying to take them. Dear Ones, never take those outbursts personally. They speak loudly of the other person's discomfort and say nothing about you.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The world, especially the Western world, is in a situation like Japan was in at the end of World War II after it agreed to surrender but before US troops landed take over:it is an interregnum. The British Commonwealth, Asian secret societies, the Russians, the Pentagon and other power centers say they support a white hat proposal for a new planetary arrangement. The Khazarian mafia has also agreed to surrender and a power transition is being arranged. However, there are still fanatical holdouts trying to start Armageddon or at least a big war so, it could be a bumpy ride.

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Never underestimate the power of letting your own unique light shine. By doing so, you will be supporting yourself, the planet, and those you come in contact with. By letting your light shine brightly and following the flow, you will spread that energy exactly where it needs to go and experience the joy that comes from doing so. It is simple, beautiful service in motion.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you put incredible pressure on yourselves to be perfect. We ask, how can you become something you already are? Your perfection was your birthright and you are divinely perfect in each now moment. So throw out the idea that perfection is something to be attained! Take pressure off yourself and see yourself as you really are, an honoured and beloved piece of the whole, having the amazing experience of further defining yourself through the experiences of a human being.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The vast diversity of your souls, your marvellous differences, is what brings strength and beauty to the whole. Each and every one of you bring something unique, yet vital, that only you can contribute. Celebrate yourself for being so wonderfully integral and important, then have gratitude for the unique flavour others contribute, as well. It is through your differences you are creating wonder that never ends, much like snowflakes that glisten in the light. You are glorious creatures, each and every one of you!

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There is no one size fits all path to enlightenment. Do not let anyone tell you their way is the only way. Know with complete certainty that you are the expert on you and give yourself permission to follow what feels right to you. The fastest way to the top of the mountain is to use your own unique inner guidance system because it will take into account your own strengths and weaknesses, and what your soul wishes to experience. There is an entire universe cheering you on, right now, so surrender to the flow of your own soul journey, knowing each person's ascension is highly personal and divinely perfect for them.

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