- Aug 26 Fri 2016 12:25
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 13:11
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:57
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:51
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:49
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:37
【麥田圈】2016-8-24 英國威爾特郡Woodway Bridge
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:35
【新聞】哥倫比亞與叛軍達協議 結束52年內戰
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:30
【大天使加百利】2016-8-23 讓自己獨特的能量明晰
Dear Ones, you are in charge of your energetics.Many of you are very sensitive to energies, and are greatly affected by other people or environments.If this is the case, greater diligence will be required to keep your own energetics nice and clear.We wish to dispel the myth that you are powerless and will"catch" energy.Remember, the candle flame doesn't worry about the darkness, it merely shines its light.
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:26
【造物主】2016-8-24 愛的化身
You are a blessing in disguise, a joyous moment waiting to happen, a surprise on a special day; you are love incarnate.
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:22
【造物主】2016-8-22 新的你
My beloved child; do not wait for the"New Earth" to arrive.This is the time, the place, the moment and the beginning of your new You.
- Aug 25 Thu 2016 12:19
【健康】40歲起簡單過生活 是你送給自己最棒的禮物
- Aug 24 Wed 2016 14:28
【本傑明·富爾福德】2016-8-22 新聞快訊
The main factions in the battle for the planet earth and their current status