We understand that many of you,in your desire to be diligent and get things right,worry that you are missing things or stuck.But when you are constantly doubting and re-evaluating how you are doing,you are falling into a trap of being judgmental or resistant to yourself and your own mastery.Dear Ones,you are the ground crew on an ascending planet.You are doing a magnificent job!

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As you continue along your evolutionary journey, you may find relationships suddenly severing.This can make you feel sad and dismayed.This can also trigger any unhealed abandonment or rejection wounds.

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Your most profound moments of connection and love come from being in a space of complete non-resistance to it.Your whole-hearted acceptance and gratitude create moments of magic.How wonderful these elements are completely available to you, whenever you like, to shift both your relationships with others and the energy of your now moment.All you have to do is make the conscious choice to use them, and through that change of focus your entire experience can change in the blink of an eye.That is how powerful you are!

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We were recently asked,"How do I stop thinking the thoughts I don't want to think?" We would like to address this today.

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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We were recently asked,"The thing I can't get my mind around is where the soul wants to go and where my ego wants to go.How to get them to agree more? How do I know what I desire(ego) is what my soul has planned? How do I know why I have those blocks so I can more easily work within them? For example,how long do I have to wait for things to flow when I am on a time frame of what someone else wants from me? Like vendors requiring money to do projects and repairs on my property.Why is it really so difficult?" We wish to explore this with you today.

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