You are an ever-expanding being of light.Do not try to box,curb,rein in or otherwise stunt yourself.You are made and meant to grow; do it.
- Mar 05 Sat 2016 13:18
【造物主】2016-3-3 成長
- Mar 05 Sat 2016 13:15
- Mar 04 Fri 2016 13:20
【本傑明·富爾福德】2016-3-1 西方世界正在持續的內爆,因為G20在僵局中結束
A stand-off at a the G20 finance minister's meeting in China last week is reflected in public calls by China to replace the US dollar and threats by the US military to start a nuclear war.The US military also say they stand ready to enforce any decisions by the international court of justice at The Hague over territorial disputes in the South China sea.
- Mar 04 Fri 2016 13:19
【大天使加百利】2016-3-3 放棄掙扎,擁抱臣服
Have you ever seen what happens to a windup toy when it hits a wall? It will keep bumping up against the wall,over and over again,until it runs out of energy.
- Mar 04 Fri 2016 13:14
【天使的智慧】2016-3-2 預備,準備,開始!
- Mar 04 Fri 2016 13:13
【造物主】2016-3-2 觸及
Stretching,reaching,expanding beyond what you felt was possible for yourself is the first sign that you are becoming what you are truly meant to be.
- Mar 04 Fri 2016 13:06
法蘭克‧費蘭特(Frank Ferrante)是一名居住於舊金山,現年54歲,來自紐約布魯克林的西西里人。他過去曾經藥物及酒精成癮、體重過重,還得對抗C型肝炎;他與女兒的關係疏離,身受憂鬱症所苦,而且單身多年,加上為了控制病情而服用許多處方藥物。
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 13:37
問: 我們經常聽人說起"自由"!我們以為自己是自由的,但我們真的自由嗎?你們能否給我們講講自由?
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 13:09
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 13:08
【大天使加百利】2016-3-2 讓源頭引領道路
There is a calm that comes from accepting that the universe is always conspiring to help you.Your faith and trust allow you to finally move out of doubt and worry,into a willingness to be led.Faith and trust,along with acceptance and allowing,work together to build the foundation of balance,patience and peace,which great and glorious change can be built upon.So trust,Dear Ones,with your whole hearts and highest intentions and let the unconditional love of Source,which is the flow,lead the way.
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 13:04
【天使的智慧】2016-3-1 花時間穩固自己
Take the time to Ground Yourself
- Mar 03 Thu 2016 13:01
【造物主】2016-3-1 無條件的愛
Do not believe,for one single solitary moment,that you are not surrounded by the unconditional love of The Universe.It embraces,cradles,nurtures and envelopes your entire being always!