Dear Ones, quite simply put, your love, attention, nurturing, and guidance for yourself is what allows you to be able to consistently show up as the love, acceptance, and compassion for others.If you are out of patience with others it is a sure sign that it is time to tend to yourself.

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Just as there was absolutely no knowledge required by you in order to grow within the womb and be born, so it is with your ascension process.There is an innate intelligence that leads the way that is beyond your conscious mind.

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The act of finding things to be grateful for, even when times are difficult, is what creates and anchors that much of a vibrational improvement, which makes way for you to make an energetic leap onto a higher vibrational layer. It is like a springboard for your vibrational state which opens the door for higher and greater energetic matches to come forth.

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親愛的勇敢的男人和女人們, 問候所有人,我是抹大拉的瑪利亞。我在這個改變的時期來到這裡,這個時期很多人都在尋找走出限制性狀況的出路。地球被一股能量—使人們保持渺小和無價值感的能量—遮蔽了。帷幕正在變薄,更多的光正從上方到來,那個光來自你們仍然處於帷幕之外的靈魂。

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You are ever expanding beings who are in transformative times. The key to working with these energies is to be open. Surrender. Flow. Embody your faith and trust, in your guides, in the universe, and in yourself. Be willing to manifest the endless possibilities and potentials that exist in the great beyond, for that is where your greatest experiences will be discovered.

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Resistance is what recycles the experience of old emotions.They will continue to come up until you deal with them and let them leave. This is why we advocate the process of acknowledging (identifying and feeling) and then thanking what comes up for release for you cannot have acceptance and gratitude and stay in resistance at the same time. In fact, the act of acknowledging and thanking is all that is required for the release to occur of its own accord. You could consider thanking your old emotions as being the final step in cutting the cords that connect you to the expired energies of the past.

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God said:

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