In some cases the act of surrender can bring you right up against a blockage you have been struggling with.Do not let this make you think surrender makes things worse or doesn't work! The reason why it may take you to your biggest challenge is because this time you can navigate it with the assistance of your universal team who now, because you have surrendered, have the permission to help you and to guide you to its resolution. If you don't panic and stay in the surrender, faith, flow, trust model of the Divine Combination, you will finally move above and beyond it in ways you couldn't have imagined or created on your own and will then be able to truly start to discover the life that has been beckoning to you all along.

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We invite you to remember a time when, as you look back, you see how every single element came together to give you a perfect result. It might have been when you suddenly felt drawn to buy a lottery ticket and won. It might have been showing up at the exact moment that allowed you to meet someone who ended up having a profound impact on your life. Or it may have been a time when you were delayed, only to discover had you been on time you would have been involved in an accident.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, the service paths on your planet are as vast and varied as the needs of your planet and her inhabitants are. Please do not compare your service to that of others! One is not better than another. All are equally valid and essential.

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Bankrupt US government issues fake bonds in doomed attempt to keep afloat

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you have a situation that doesn't seem to be budging, we advise you to explore how you can expand it.What is the easiest way to expansion? Love. Give the situation love, for it is the greatest transformational tool you have and it is accessible to you, always. Simply put, you cannot flow love and be in resistance at the same time.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Cruise ships have stabilizers to make your voyage safe, successful, and comfortable. Did you know you also have stabilizers for your journey? They are called faith and trust.

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Our Return of Light meditation has created a coherent consciousness signal across the universe that got the attention of the Cosmic Central race.

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God said:

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Many of you are sensitives and empaths, and as such, have developed various ways of diminishing the intensity of how much you feel. One approach to this is to spend more time connected to the higher realms, where it is more comfortable to feel due to the subtleness, peace, and safety of those energies.

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