- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:33
- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:27
- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:24
【天使】2019-3-16 想像
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:22
【大天使加百利】2019-3-17 你是自身能量的專家
Dear Ones, we urge you to experiment and play with your own energetics.If you intuitively connect with it, what colour is your energy field? What colour is it when you are balanced and embracing the highest energetic level available to you? What can you do to restore it to that ideal level? What colour is any area that might need healing? What colour infusion would bring it relief?
- Mar 18 Mon 2019 12:18
- Mar 17 Sun 2019 12:50
- Mar 17 Sun 2019 12:38
- Mar 17 Sun 2019 12:32
【大天使加百利】2019-3-15 不抗拒自己
One of the most common questions we get asked is,"Do I have a blockage?"We would like to explore this today.
- Mar 16 Sat 2019 12:02
- Mar 16 Sat 2019 11:58
- Mar 16 Sat 2019 11:54
【大天使加百利】2019-3-14 感恩是流動的方向盤
Dear Ones, you cannot micro-manage and create at the same time for the simple reason that control is constraint, while creation is expansion.So how do you have a feeling of having some semblance of control while embracing creation? By understanding that gratitude is the steering wheel of the flow and your most powerful feedback tool for the universe, and your focus is your blessing of continuation. That, coupled with surrendering into your highest intentions, is how you move into empowered co-creation, the system that can actually lead you where you wish to go and beyond.