For those of you who like to have the feeling of control, surrender and flow can be difficult concepts to embrace.But that is only because you perceive it as careening about wildly with no control at all. We wish to address this today.
- Mar 08 Fri 2019 11:55
【大天使加百利】2019-3-7 改變你對控制的想法
- Mar 08 Fri 2019 11:43
【本傑明·富爾福德】2019-3-4 新聞快訊
Vatican bribery accounts for 6,000 so-called world leaders have been shut down
- Mar 07 Thu 2019 14:13
- Mar 07 Thu 2019 13:59
【大天使加百利】2019-3-6 釋放任何不再適用的殘餘恐懼
For many of you, the fear of shining your brightest light comes from times before you had learned healthy boundaries and how to manage your own energetics.
- Mar 06 Wed 2019 12:43
- Mar 06 Wed 2019 12:40
【大天使加百利】2019-3-5 療癒已經成功發生的鐵證
Some of you are discouraged when an issue comes back into your awareness for healing.Please don't take this as a sign that the healing that you have already done has been ineffective. Far from it! It is a testimony to the success of the healing that has already occurred that you are ready to tackle this issue in a new, more empowered way. You are dismantling the old templates of the past in preparation for creating anew, and that is always something to be celebrated.
- Mar 06 Wed 2019 12:38
【大天使加百利】2019-3-4 我今天選擇成為什麼?
What kind of day do you choose today?What kind of week? Are you unconsciously allowing life to happen to you or are you creating the experiences you desire?
- Mar 05 Tue 2019 13:27
- Mar 05 Tue 2019 13:21
【大天使加百利】2019-3-3 超越時間的練習
If you wish to know which practices are most restorative to you, they are the ones that give you relaxed but focused attention.These are the activities that allow you to be fully engaged and come with the experience of time distortion (feeling like no time has passed only to discover that it has been much longer than you realized).
- Mar 04 Mon 2019 13:55
【天使】2019-3-2 愛與恨
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
- Mar 04 Mon 2019 13:22
【大天使加百利】2019-3-2 從小步伐開始
There is a perception among many human beings that if you don't have a lot of time to devote to something there is no point in doing it.This is simply not true!
- Mar 04 Mon 2019 13:19