The more you get to know yourself, love yourself, and accept yourself, the more you will be able to discern what is your truth. This means that if someone has something negative to say to you, you will be able to stay calm and balanced and very quickly be able to know whether there is any validity to what was said and use it as an opportunity to improve, or whether it was simply a projection onto you that isn't a match to who you are at all.

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這幅九重幾何形狀的麥田圈圖型於2018年7月10日獲報出現在鄰近英國東南部漢普郡鄰近溫徹斯特(Winchester, Hampshire)的朗伍德‧華倫(Longwood Warren)附近,除非有農場主人的許可,否則將不允許麥田圈迷進入。

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是時候讓亞特蘭提斯的女祭司們回憶起並拿回她們真正的身份了。是時候讓我們成為最初的自己了。是時候進行療癒,是時候成為合一了。在指引之下,我將此冥想公之於眾,幫助你們完成這次激活。我也向你們推薦在冥想過程中使用玫瑰精油(保加利亞粉玫瑰精油 — 奧圖玫瑰 — 是最優之選)。

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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Alignment, simply put, sets you back on your home base which recharges your batteries and allows you to remember what you know. Both are essential for navigating fast-moving energies and being able to show up as the love that you are.

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Self love is not about making yourself better than anyone else, or caring for yourself more than anyone else. It is about finally including yourself in the love you so easily give others. It is an act of inclusion, of fairness, of balance.

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God said:

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Freedom is allowing yourself to decide what certain elements look like for you. What does peace look like for you? Is it meditating or sitting in stillness? Or is it the joy of allowing your body to move in nature? Is it driving in the car? Or gardening?

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