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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"阿斯塔拉的女祭司們把她們的身體和頭腦奉獻給了充滿了回憶的聖廟。在這些女性的血肉、器官和細胞中,記錄了需要被妥善保管歷史上發生的大事以及知識。這些女性,這些記憶的守護者們,保留了讓人們得以啟示的寶物、以及療癒和創造的福音。一些人說這些女性真正的天賦是完全連接到所有生命的能力 — 她們可以閱讀那些古老記錄,這些古老記錄儲存在微小的沙礫中,儲存在葉子的脈絡中,儲存在星群的星星中,或者儲存在雙唇親吻的柔軟之中。當她們攜帶著這些智慧度過歲月的年輪的時候,這些記憶的守護者們既是空無又是充實的。"

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Dear Ones, you are entering a period of energetic intensity. We wish to offer you some tips to help you navigate this time with the greatest amount of ease possible.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is very common to seek control when you feel discomfort. But your discomfort is telling you that you are in resistance to something, and to seek control would be to dig in deeper to that resistance which will only perpetuate the discomfort. What you are really looking for when you are uncomfortable is acceptance, and a willingness to move with the energies with faith and trust.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

We understand that many of you have been conditioned to fear change and the unknown. But it is through change that you continue to evolve and expand, and move into that which you desire. You cannot heal without change. Finding a new love is change. Connecting with new people and passions is change. Moving into better energetic matches comes with change. The things you wish to manifest can only find you if you allow and accept change.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arrests in August; 9/11 announcement in September; and Jubilee in October?

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