There can be a reluctance to surrender into having your highest life expression. It may feel daunting to you, like the amount of change would be overwhelming, that it would take too much work, or would be too uncomfortable in some way. Please release those fears!

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The world is mixed.Overcome the illusion within and react not, and you will be free. It is within your hearts reach at any time you change the station. What is the sound of rap music when you turn it off? What is the sound of the world news and agenda when you turn off the TV? What is that which you feed the mind with? Stimulus is your opening of reaction and resonance and this patterns itself into your mind and social matching energies.

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None of your experiences are ever a waste of time.Every experience, good or bad, has helped you further define your preferences and offered wonderful opportunities for growth and expansion, even if they didn't turn out the way you wished they would.

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一名居住在美國猶他州鹽湖縣赫爾瑞姆安市(Herriman, Utah)的民眾溫蒂‧波爾‧富勒(Wendi Pahl Fuller)於3月19日在住家附近拍下了一段奇特的彩虹雲彩影片,於次日將影片上傳Facebook,引發網友的風傳和熱議,至目前點閱率已經超過800萬次,有13萬人分享這篇圖文。

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My dear friends, we love you so very much,

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There is a pervasive belief that appropriate boundaries are difficult, rigid, separating, and always met with resistance.We wish to change the energy associated with this topic by suggesting there is such a thing as beautiful boundaries.

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God said:

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What would I say to myself if I were my own loving guide?What advice would I give? What support would I offer? These are excellent questions to ask yourself as they automatically align you with your own divine wisdom.

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Archangel Michael.jpg

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