有一位到北歐某國做訪問學者的人,曾經歷過這樣一件事:週末,她到當地的一位教授家中做客,一進門,她就看到了教授5歲的小女兒。小女孩滿頭金髮,漂亮的藍眼睛讓人覺得 特別清新。她不禁在心裡稱讚小女孩長得漂亮。

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Dear Ones, the energetic shifting you are a part of is occurring to serve you, to assist you, to allow you to experience yourself in an expanded way, and to evolve in whichever way and speed is perfect for you.Again we say that surrendering to it all is key to move forward with the greatest amount of ease possible, as is being kind and gentle with yourselves and with others.

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You are because you are.It is because it is.Questioning this is part of human nature, the exercising of the free will you were gifted.Use it and love your human side because of it.

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Many of you are confused about how you can have certain things in your lives be predestined and yet we encourage you to be empowered co-creators.How can that be? Before you come into the body you select many major events or themes you wish to experience.These would include choosing who your parents are, who you wish to have important relationships with, where you will live, your natural talents, interests, and traits, and certain areas you wish to gain a deeper experience and mastery of.

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We understand that during times of great intensity and fast moving energies it can feel like life is happening to you.Please know you are an active and loving participant in all of it.In fact, these are the times your soul has been excited to be part of.

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