Dear Ones, many of you are coming to the end of one phase of your life and about to shift into new areas, new experiences, new service contracts.How do you know you are close to that shift? When you start to feel very uncomfortable and yearn for it.

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The time is ripe

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Go with the Flow

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You may have been lead to believe that "finding your purpose"is the be-all, end-all of your Earth plane existence. Not so, my child! From the moment you were born, you have actually been living your purpose here. As a student, teacher, observer and participant in life. Please remember to release the focus on that one thing and know you are indeed living!

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Notice to readers:Due to our annual holiday's this week's newsletter has been written in advance with non-time sensitive content.

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Many of you understand the concept of having soul contracts between you and others, but did you know you can also have soul contracts with the earth? Your planet is a living being, and many of you have contracts with the earth to energetically support certain areas.If you have been wanting to move but haven't been able to no matter what you do, it is likely that you are in a soul contract that isn't complete yet.As soon as the contract is fulfilled, you will be swept along to your next locale, swiftly and easily, to start your next grand adventure.

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How you love is determined by how willing you are to accept yourself with all of your flaws.If you are able to love yourself unconditionally, the rest comes naturally.

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