
LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,if you could start to view things in your world as being in resonance with you or not,rather than being right or wrong,you would save the tremendous amount of time you spend second guessing yourselves or attempting to force things to work or change.You are vibrational beings.Some vibrations will harmonize with you,others will not.As you continue to shift and evolve,what is in resonance with you may also change.You do not need to concern yourselves with what worked well with you before or what may match you in the future.You can seamlessly navigate your lives with far greater ease if you simply choose the energies that feel best to you in each Now moment.Do you see? Choosing what best resonates with you,rather than pushing against what does not,is the way to a harmonious existence.

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Celebrate your Uniqueness

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Your Song

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

「幸福女人的方式」組織創立人莎拉‧阿凡特‧史多福(Sara Avant Stover)曾經說:「經前症候群(PMS)是第一張倒下的骨牌,也就是身體敲響的警鐘。」如果妳的飲食和生活方式不健康的話,在經期前後就比較有可能發生易怒、緊張、心情波動、憂鬱、腹脹、痙攣、偏頭痛、乳房脹痛、下背痛和不尋常的飲食渴望,甚至更嚴重的深度憂鬱、低自尊和注意力不集中等等症狀。

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Beloved Ones,

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,how can you continue to berate and abuse yourselves with your negative self talk and expect to find unconditional love? Can you see the disconnect in that thinking? BE what you wish to experience.If you wish to be loved unconditionally,start with wholly and completely loving and nurturing yourself.Once you"ve filled yourself up and basked in love and acceptance for yourself,open up to feeling the complete and never-ending love Source has for you,as well.From that blissfully saturated state you will be such a beacon and giver of love that you will effortlessly magnetize it back to you in so many wonderful ways.~Archangel Gabriel

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Strengthen your Vision

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