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問:You've talked about in the time,in the 2030 range,that we would be living with hybrids side by side in our civilization.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones, we wish for you to take a moment and acknowledge your innate goodness.You are good.You are kind, and compassionate, and loving, and brave, and good.Regardless of how many mistakes you think you have made, you are good.That is all we see when we look at you, your tender hearts and your goodness, and it is the thing we wish most of all for you to recognize and trust in yourselves.

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In today's world, there will always be someone telling you what is considered "attractive", what is considered "acceptable"or what is considered "right". You have a choice, an opinion and a voice. Let go of what others think and let your heart and soul be your guide. The most beautiful gift you have been given is the ability to be yourself, use it.

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It is time now, my beloved, to look to the future. The tragedies, trauma and disasters are a clear sign of the old ways dying. I will say this again; the old ways are dying and it is up to each of you to begin the work of healing humanity. Some of those who have been awakened, but know not what to do with the information and physical signals of awakening will appear and act unbalanced. Please do not ignore them! It is up to every human who experiences and/or comes in contact with these people to send them Unconditional Love and healing thoughts through whatever doorway(whether it be past, present or future) they are willing to accept it. You have been given the gifts you have for a reason…now is the time to put them into play!

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一項澳洲的新研究已經發現,雲芝(Turkey Tail) 磨菇中一種稱作多醣(Polysaccharopeptide,PSP)的化合物可以100%有效地鎖定前列腺癌幹細胞,抑制腫瘤形成。這種天然物質在研究的每項實驗中都完整且有效地發揮作用,堪稱首例。

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親愛的一們,我們帶著愛、尊敬和理解而來,你們在這個時期經歷了如此之多的事情。我們想提醒你,這個世界此刻正在快速的靠近徹底覺醒(fully aware),因此,幾乎沒有什麼世界性事件和個人體驗是偶然的。

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