There's an interesting phenomena we'd like to discuss today.Sometimes human beings, even though they know there is healing to be done, refuse to because they are resentful that they have to do the healing.They think they should have received the love and support they deserved, so they hold themselves back from healing because they think healing would somehow mean what happened to them was ok or didn't matter.
- Oct 07 Fri 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-9-28 作自己的英雄,給自己成長所需的愛和支持
- Oct 06 Thu 2022 16:41
【本傑明·福爾富德】2022-10-3 每週快訊
Worldwide shoot-to-kill orders have been issued against all Khazarian Mafia members until they surrender unconditionally, according to an agreement made between MI6, the CIA, Mossad, the Russian FSB and other military/intelligence agencies worldwide.This is legal because the KM are actively trying to kill 90% of humanity.If they surrender, they will face Nuremberg-style war crimes tribunals.If they don't, they face death.
- Oct 06 Thu 2022 00:00
美國國會公開暗示人們 眾多幽浮事件非人類起源
在國會制定與起草的法律頒訂上,清晰明瞭的定義是最重要的關鍵。因美國空軍軍方多起與幽浮近距離目擊的事件頻傳和證據,國會立法議員們近期做出引人注目的幾項涉及關於幽浮事件的重要修訂。其中關鍵是; 他們認定一些的幽浮事件皆非關人類起源。
- Oct 05 Wed 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-9-27 為自己存在是自愛的關鍵
Your self presence brings a deep sense of balance to your enlightenment journey because it honours both your higher self and your human self equally.That balance you will help you stop abandoning yourself through old limiting beliefs and patterns because it will be able to recognize those old habits in a neutral and non-judgemental way.When you are connected to your inner wisdom you make much healthier choices.This creates an energetic space where profound healing can occur.
- Oct 04 Tue 2022 00:00
【大天使加百利】2022-9-26 能量強烈的時期可以讓你增加道路的清晰度
We realize it can feel overwhelming during times of energetic intensity.We also realize that it may feel as if it has been intense more than it has been calm for the past several years of your linear time.What we want you to understand is there is purpose to all of it.
- Oct 04 Tue 2022 00:00
- Oct 03 Mon 2022 00:00
【柯博拉】2022年9月柯博拉揚升專題訪談節目-我們愛集體冥想&國際黃金時代團隊&日本準備轉變團隊聯合主持 近況更新
- Oct 02 Sun 2022 23:00
【柯博拉】2022-9-29 簡短近況更新和新的柯博拉訪談節目
Around 15000 people have participated in our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO.Although this is far less than the critical mass, the meditation has helped to ease tensions to a degree:
- Sep 30 Fri 2022 00:00
【Shelley Young】2022-9-23 我跟隨我靈魂的召喚
I follow the beckoning of my soul and embrace the continual unfoldment of my highest life expression.
- Sep 30 Fri 2022 00:00
- Sep 29 Thu 2022 21:14
【本傑明·福爾富德】2022-9-26 每週快訊
There are signs in multiple countries that some sort of world revolution is underway.These include a power struggle in China, riots in Iran, military mobilization by Russia, a declaration of war by Texas, royal unrest in the UK and much more.What all this points to is some sort of historical worldwide black swan event, possibly in October.
- Sep 29 Thu 2022 00:19
【柯博拉】2022-9-22 俄羅斯和北約國家的和平冥想(9/29 (四)凌晨1:17)