
LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2016-6-23 英國威爾特郡發現麥田圈1.jpg

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you ever had the most marvellous day, where everything fell into place with incredible ease? Days such as that are days where you have found the flow and are open-heartedly accepting the support and movement it offers.Those days do not have to be once in a blue moon, Dear Ones.You can ride the energetic wave and harness the support of the flow every day if you choose, by intending to surrender into your highest good with faith and trust.Once you start doing so, we would say it will very quickly become your preferred method for navigating your day to day life.Are you ready to give ease a chance?

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Give fully of yourself

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Love is the most powerful force in your Earth plane existence.It does not matter if you take baby steps or quantum leaps…the only thing that matters is that you love.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Clearing of the Chimera group continues.Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System.Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs.These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are already known for decades:

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問:晚安。我的名字叫喬伊....請讓我把磁帶弄好,開始錄音 ....好了。晚安,我的名字叫喬伊。

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Loving yourself is simply a matter of inclusion.It is deciding to take yourself into consideration along with everyone else.Isn't it time you invited yourself to your own party?

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Every human on the face of the planet to be kind, compassionate and caring. Yes, you may be triggered and have your moments when kindness may not be in the forefront of your mind, but it is there. If you choose to be passionately kind, The Universe will always return it to you in a myriad of ways.

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