Take the time to reflect and know your true self once again.

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Today you are invited to think back on all the beautiful moments of your Earth-plane existence; the sunrise that will never leave your mind,the first time you fell in love,the feeling that came over you when you truly helped someone in need….even the grief you thought would be never-ending finally passing into to a softer,more gentle ache is beautiful. Now think ahead to what you have yet to experience.

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儘管已經有無數的學者警告 BPA(酚甲烷,或稱雙酚A)是一種主要的荷爾蒙干擾物質,並且對於人體健康有相當大的危害,人們還是選擇忽視這些警訊。因為抱持鴕鳥心態的人總是無法認清事實的真相,美國食品及藥物管理局(FDA)在面對酚甲烷的時候似乎就是如此。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Can you look in the mirror at yourself with love today? Can you speak only tender words to and about yourself today? If this seems like a daunting task,you have just uncovered what is most pressing for you to do for your growth and evolution.

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you are experiencing a stressful time in your life,we encourage you to play a little game called"In This Right Now Moment」.Most stress is caused by the unknown of the future,or pressure for things to come together in a way that is satisfactory.Unfortunately,worry does not create any kind of positive fuel for your creations.In fact,it is your fear that something may not be good in the future that makes you have the experience not feeling good right now.You are instantaneously creating the very thing you fear through your focus.

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If you make a decision and have to ask others if what you have done is "right",it probably is not.Allow The Universe to be your guidance system.Truth exists there and it is waiting for you to claim it.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many of you have asked,「How do I love myself?"You can become more loving to yourself in many ways,but most important of all,it means becoming a safe person for yourself.Are you a safe person for yourself to be exposed to? If not,what can you do to become so?Agood place to start is with kindness,consistency,encouragement,and inclusion.

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