- Apr 20 Wed 2016 14:11
- Apr 20 Wed 2016 14:06
【大天使加百利】2016-4-18 你是決定該怎麼做的人
Dear Ones,some of you may notice recurring themes in your life.This does not mean that you are missing a message,are bad or stupid,or are being tested.It merely means you have chosen this theme as an area you would like to experience and gain some mastery of during this life expression.
- Apr 20 Wed 2016 13:55
【天使的智慧】2016-4-18 自信
When it comes to making your dreams a reality or when you know what is right and best for you,be assertive and keep focused on what is important and your priorities.Things might get in the way just to be sure this what you truly want but really,you already know in your heart what is right.You have great courage or you would not be here,it is time that you see this in yourself as others already do.
- Apr 20 Wed 2016 13:52
【造物主】2016-4-18 為你去做
If you want to draw love—love yourself.
- Apr 20 Wed 2016 13:51
- Apr 20 Wed 2016 13:19
- Apr 19 Tue 2016 14:25
- Apr 19 Tue 2016 14:21
【大天使加百利】2016-4-17 跟隨靈魂微妙的推動
Dear Ones,it is the easiest thing in the world for the universe to create intersections for non-resistant human beings.What that means is that when you are surrendered to the flow—when you follow the subtle bumps and nudges of your soul—it allows us to create the right time/right place events that match what your soul desires.Magical alignments are the natural outcome of true surrender and flow.
- Apr 19 Tue 2016 14:20
【造物主】2016-4-17 共同創造
How can you create if you are in a position of supplication? Stand up and co-create with The Universe.It is a joy and a pleasure to assist you!
- Apr 19 Tue 2016 14:00
- Apr 19 Tue 2016 13:57
- Apr 18 Mon 2016 13:45