
LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Much is happening on your Earth at this time,most of which is out of sight so that you have little if any knowledge as to what is taking place.A fierce confrontation is occurring between the Light and dark Ones who are rapidly losing their influence.Gradually long suppressed inventions or advancements are coming into being,with those Light Beings involved sometimes risking their lives to be successful.However,they cannot stem the flow and the Light is lifting up all over the world.With an increase in the level of your consciousness,more souls than ever are suddenly becoming aware of how for centuries they have been misled.Time has virtually stood still as the dark Ones have ensured that new inventions that would have lifted you up,have been held back.Be assured that it can only be a temporary delay,as you are destined to leap ahead before this present cycle ends.

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Life happens in cycles

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Explore your Options

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you have the intention to surrender into being of highest service at the beginning of your day,an interesting thing happens.You will be embodying your divine light and alignment with Source,and thus become a transmitter of those energies everywhere you go.This means that you will be emanating energy,rather than picking up random energies from people and locations.For those of you who find yourselves highly affected by the energies of others,this is the easiest way to keep your balance and stay comfortable throughout your day,with the added bonus of bringing the light to those people and areas who may need it.It is a beautiful practice that serves all.

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Reflect and Contemplate

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

As you move through your day,take some time to look at those around you. Imagine what their lives have been like up to the moment you see them. What have they experienced? What are they feeling? Are they missing someone?  Are they in need of connection or closure?

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

大約每 14 分鐘,就有一個人因為使用處方藥物而死亡。在美國,其他大多數可以預防的死因這幾年已經在下降,藥物致死的統計數字卻在向上攀升。根據洛杉磯時報最近的分析,藥物致死的普遍程度已經讓其每年平均死亡人數超過因交通事故致死的數字。

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現在已經有一批如意寶珠準備要送給「沒錢購買寶珠, 財務掙扎狀態中」的光工和光戰士們。這類的光工只需要負擔運費,就可以獲得免費的寶珠。如果您住在亞洲或澳洲而且想獲得免費的寶珠,請寫信到 anthem.chang@gmail.com 。(摘錄自【柯博拉】2015年12月8日訊息【如意寶珠訊息更新】https://www.facebook.com/PrepareforChange/posts/819863221492224 )。

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媒體上有很多關於宗教與宗教之間、國與國之間、種族與種族之間的話題。遺憾的是,為了定義你自己,有時你得看你不是什麼,或你拒絕是什麼。這只是人類社會中鏡子的功能。人並沒有清楚看到多數人用它在心裡說:「我不是那個,我不同意!」 你不需要和任何東西「搏鬥」。成為你定義的自己就夠了。我們想對此作一些說明。

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