Reach down into the quiet place that exists within.What do you hear? Listen to your heart's song,it will tell you exactly what it needs.Close your eyes.What do you see? Your dreams will tell you what you will receive.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,do you know what brings you joy? What you are passionate about? What makes your heart sing? Sadly,many of you have been so consumed with duty and caring for others,that your own joyful activities have gone by the wayside.

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If you finally allow yourself to heal from wounds that were inflicted from another,it does not mean that you think what happened was okay.It simply means that you have assumed the role of loving guide and parent for yourself and have decided to choose healing over hurt.You are completely capable of creating a safe space for yourself to do so,and to release yourself from the chains of pain that bind you with another.You can celebrate the fact that you are eternally whole and can centre yourself back into that truth whenever you like.Finding your way back to embracing your divine template of wholeness and wellness allows you to take the gift of any experience and leave the rest behind,and that,Dear Ones,is freedom.

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There are always options available

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What do you think I am?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Beloved Ones,The Beloved Lightworkers throughout the world have been paying more attention to the needs of their home,the Earth,and we want to state that your efforts have been most appreciated.The energies that you have been directing have been dispersing and dissolving a great amount of the energies of fear that had been affecting human consciousness.Most individuals are now able to discern more clearly what is and is not working in their lives and in their thought patterns.Adjustments are being made and things are looking up.We thank you for working with us in this way and ask you to continue to uphold the Light and also your daily focus with the Violet Light energy.

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