Have you ever applied compassion to yourself? We highly recommend you try it.It is like giving yourself a hug filled with unconditional love,nurturing and understanding.~Archangel Gabriel
- Aug 03 Mon 2015 13:51
【大天使加百利】2015-8-2 對自己慈悲
- Aug 03 Mon 2015 13:50
【天使的智慧】2015-8-1 平衡與選擇
Balance and Choices
- Aug 03 Mon 2015 13:44
【造物主】2015-8-2 宇宙的懷抱
In the near future,you will be given a choice to go into and feed the fear of impending doom or remain peaceful in the face of supposed danger. My lovely child; if you remember where you came from and where you will return when your Earth plane existence is concluded,there will be no reason to "buy into'the chaos around you.
- Aug 03 Mon 2015 13:40
- Aug 02 Sun 2015 13:09
- Aug 02 Sun 2015 13:01
【大天使加百利】2015-8-1 用時間去療癒和滋養內在小孩
When you take the time to heal and nurture your inner child,you will find yourself once again exploring the world with curiosity and wonder,secure under the safety and watchful eye of your own unconditional love.
- Aug 02 Sun 2015 12:10
【天使的智慧】2015-7-31 生命力之能源
Life Force Energy
- Aug 02 Sun 2015 12:07
【造物主】2015-8-1 肩膀
- Aug 02 Sun 2015 11:55
想要維持最佳的健康狀態就必須擁有強大的免疫系統,一旦免疫力受損,身體的自癒力也會降低,那麼任何舊疾新病都可能打擊你的健康。杜賓根大學皮膚科主任馬丁‧勒肯教授(Prog.Martin Rocken)就表示,免疫系統能使腫瘤和腫瘤細胞進入永久休眠的狀態,可見免疫力對預防癌症也非常重要。
- Aug 01 Sat 2015 13:10
【天使長麥可】2015-8 揭開死亡的神秘面紗
- Aug 01 Sat 2015 13:07
- Aug 01 Sat 2015 13:06
【大天使加百利】2015-7-31 你是來擴張和體驗的
Dear Ones,you are on the planet to expand and experience.Why not try something today you do not normally do? The most wonderful things are often just sitting there waiting for you,just slightly outside of your box of complacency.Opening yourselves up to new possibilities can create brand new vistas of potential and open new paths of discovery and joy.When you start to see the world as your playground,you will be pleasantly surprised at how much fun you can have.