The beauty of using surrender and flow is that it allows you to work hand in hand with your guides and helpers,even if you do not have the ability to consciously hear or feel them.The more you stay in the high vibrating energies of surrender and flow,the more you are creating the exact conditions necessary to start to recognize and feel the energies of spirit.

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Dear Ones,have you noticed how efforting,trying and forcing have become more and more difficult,while surrendering and flowing with intention is far more supported,easier and provides faster and more satisfying experiences? The first is about chasing results,the second is about attracting your highest results from your own space of beingness.Which feels better to you?

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You are a lightworker

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Self Love Vs.Loving Another

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

From our perspective time is moving so much quicker than you experience.So whilst you have been without our messages for what seems some time,to us it is just a fleeting moment.Over a long period you have read or heard of many experiences where people have been out of the body and been"away"for days,to return and find that only a short time has elapsed.Sometimes it has only been a matter of hours or minutes as opposed to days.In such circumstances you begin to understand that everything is in the Now.You are learning that time is not constant,and it will become more apparent as you move away from Earth,into the higher vibrations.

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When you are navigating your day from a place of surrender and flow,you can rest assured that you are always in exactly the right place,at exactly the right time,for your highest good.This leads to complete acceptance of the perfection of your life,however it is presenting,which creates a deep and abiding sense of peace in your life.There is nothing left to do but simply BE and enjoy each Now moment.

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