The most successful people on your planet are those who unwaveringly honour their purpose and follow their passion.

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Allow Flow and Synchronicity into your Life

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高血壓的患者們注意了,想要降血壓,你們有比起藥物更安全有效的選擇!科學研究已經證實蕃茄和輔 Q10 對高血壓患者有益。

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根據《美國全國公共廣播電台》(NPR) 的一則報導,基因改造作物 (GMOs) 的需求量正逐漸下滑。儘管北美各地尚未要求強制標示GMO,許多美國農民已主動改種非基改或有機作物,這是為了順應民眾追求「乾淨食物」的潮流。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are signs all around you that indicate the period of immense change that you are passing through,and old problems that have beset you for millennia of time are coming to a head.Mankind is being confronted with conditions that are becoming intolerable,and they will continue until you are forced to deal with them.Peaceful solutions can be found,but it requires the will of those that lead you to seek more acceptable and lasting solutions.

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Not everyone is going to understand or support your path.That is okay,Dear Ones,because you already have all the support you require built in,in the form of your internal guidance system,your higher self,your guides and helpers,and the universe itself,that only wishes to support whatever you desire.While we understand it is nice to have the support of those who are physically present,they simply do not have the vantage point of what is right for anyone other than themselves.

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Ascension Symptoms

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Need To Know

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美國財經網站 MarketWatch 列舉了十個汽水製造業者不會讓消費者知道的「業界機密」,大部分對愛喝這些碳酸飲料的人而言是個壞消息。其中一項勉強值得欣慰─調查指出越來越多消費者會買水喝,甚至多於買汽水,不好的消息是─他們買的瓶裝水製造商仍然是來自幾個主要的汽水大廠,像是可口可樂和百事可樂等。

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