Hear your own guidance! Listen to what it is that you need to solidify the inner decisions you have made,to bring them into action; listen to what is arising from your depths.Allow your light to get bigger and enlighten your path.As we move to 2015,you have been dressed with many high energies and refreshed under the rains of light.Now it is time to bring these vibrations together with Mother Earth.

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When you choose to let your true self lead the way,your path then becomes a reflection of who you really are.When you make choices based on what honours,uplifts and matches you,your love relationships and friendships become much more open and joyful.When you choose employment that matches your interests and talents,your work becomes joyful.When you spend your spare time doing things that match your true passions,your spare time becomes joyful.Do you see? It doesn't take special blessings from Source to live a life that is infused with joy in all areas.Source always wants you to be living your highest expression of self! It simply takes you being authentic and loving yourself enough not to settle for anything less.

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A New Awareness is Awakening

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Getting Your Attention

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加拿大研究人員發現:食用亞麻籽可以使絕經婦女降低 28% 罹患乳癌的機率,食用亞麻麵包也可以使女性朋友 (不分絕經前後) 降低 26% 罹患乳癌的機率;這些結果顯示吃亞麻籽和亞麻麵包可能是預防乳癌簡單有效的方式。

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear Ones,what if you gave up efforting and forcing,and instead tried being and flowing? Because if effort was the secret to your success,you'd all be living the lives of your dreams right now,wouldn't you? We see you try tremendously,falling down and getting up,time and again,and going back to a system that really doesn't provide consistent and satisfying results.

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Ground yourself and use energetic protection

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Deserving Of Respect

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