Many human beings don't like to 「put themselves out there」 for another person. They think,I'm not going to love that person if they don't show me they love me first. Or,Why should I a`ppreciate that person because they don't a`ppreciate me? We understand this may seem very p`rudent and wise from your p`erspective,but it cannot get you where you wish to be. In fact,by living that way everyone holds out and nobody wins.

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You are being asked to step forward,take charge and be living your life more in your purpose than ever before. This means living your life from your truth,following your passion and trusting in yourself and your guidance. If you are unsure what your purpose is,then it is time to do things that bring joy,excitement,and passion to your life and your journey. Begin by changing the things you can,even the little things will make a difference and the rest will fall into place as it should. If you are stuck as to what is the next best step to take,don"t wait,just take one and trust that there will be another and another and that as you move forward the path will be more clear.

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Rocket Science?

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

靜脈曲張是指血管擴大且扭曲,通常發生在腿部,與慢性炎症和血液循環不良有關。腿部靜脈要將血液輸送回流至心臟,是最挑戰的部位 (違反地心引力),當靜脈發炎時會損害單向瓣膜,造成閉合功能不正常,血液就會倒流,導致腿部出現腫脹或靜脈曲張。

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Dear Ones,if you wish to shift into a better feeling energy,just love. Find something to love. Find a situation to love. Find an animal to love. Wrap yourself up in love. Go to a place you love. Send love to your planet. Send love to your past self and your future self. Show your love by giving to a charity. Go out on a mission of love and beam it to every human being and situation you come across. Because the act of loving is how you can instantaneously reconnect with the truth of your being,which will immediately shift you into your highest alignment and allow you to feel wonderful. That is the beautiful thing about loving – whether you are giving or receiving,everybody wins. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Appreciation is the one aspect that will water and grow your relationships and ensure that everyone feels honoured for their unique contributions and beingness. People will naturally want to do their best if they feel efforts are noticed and celebrated by others. Why not spend the day looking for things to appreciate in others and letting them know what you find? ~Archangel Gabriel

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Release the heaviness and cast away your burdens

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To The Surface

LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

衛生條件改善與民眾教育水平的提升縮小了傳染病對人們的威脅,然而現代人卻面臨到比病原微生物更大的健康挑戰 ─ 慢性炎症。究竟慢性炎症是怎麼來的?我們該如何解決?

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