Your Light

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九層塔 (羅勒) 是來自亞熱帶地區的廚房常用藥草,可為很多料理增添香氣,混合松子和巴馬乾酪的青醬更是許多義大利麵的美味來源。它的抗氧化物豐富並充滿營養,對健康的好處多多,除了抗菌、抗老之外,由於控制血糖的功效被認為可以對抗第二型糖尿病,當中的酚類甚至可能抗癌。

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Although the critical mass among the surface population was not reached,the activation was a significant success.Besides our strong,dedicated core group many tens of thousands Lightworkers and Lightwarriors across the globe were participating.

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What does it mean to walk a path of peace and joy? It means to give yourself and others unconditional love,and to allow that love to lead the way.It means to practice acceptance and allowing,and to see the perfection in all.It means to uplift and encourage others.It means to embrace your truth,your authentic power,and to show others that they can,too.It means committing to shining your light,and being the beautiful teachers by example.It means embracing your beingness and your divinity,and knowing that all else is illusion.It means living from a flow of abundance,and sharing from that place that knows there is always more than enough for everyone.It means understanding that what happens to the one affects the all.These are the things we wish for you,today and always,as you move forward during these amazing times.

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Find peace in your heart

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One Step Closer

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LoveNPeace 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

有時候最好的鍛鍊方式反而最簡單 ─ 走路就是一個例子。走路是很溫和的運動,由於不需要任何特殊設備,是最方便的運動方式。已經有很多研究驗證走路的有效性,結果十分驚人。

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