Your truth is being made visible; the steps you take determine your path.You are in communication with was rises and comes from the depths of your hearts,creating your own reality.Continue the meeting with yourself with a deep,huge breath.As your speed,vibration increases and rises,you are the creator of monetary creations.Without stopping that creator rising from within you,allow it to introduce itself.Let it show you what it remembers,knows,let it meet you again,among the new.Everything is together and whole in your now.Everything is here and now,with its most approachable form.Embrace change,the beauties offers to you with love! Now.

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The time you have been waiting for is now

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近期刊載於美國化學學會 (American Chemical Society,ACS)《環境科學與技術》(Environmental Science & Technology) 期刊的研究表明:置身大自然能直接改善心理健康。ACS的研究人員馬修P‧懷特 (Mathew P.White) 指出,單極型憂鬱症 (unipolar depressive disorder) 是中高收入國家人民主要的健康問題;世界上有將近 80% 的人口都居住在城市地區,因此心理健康可算是重要的公眾議題。

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蘇珊曾經有嚴重過敏、關節炎、腸躁症、偏頭痛、恐慌發作以及足底筋膜炎等多重病症,她臉上長滿痘痘、體重也超重,併發症使她經常需要使用枴杖;但就在她採取所謂「長壽生活」─ 以生機飲食為主之後,九個月內她就瘦了 22 公斤,背上的一個腫瘤也消失了。

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Dear Ones,in order to experience the abundance you desire,you must start to live abundantly.That means letting go of the illusion of lack and truly beginning to understand that there is a wealth of abundance for you to tap into whenever you like.

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Take some chances and be bold

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Just For You

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安‧威格摩爾 (Ann Wigmore) 50 幾歲時病痛纏身且有著一頭白髮,於是她開始了一段生機飲食的旅程,包括喝綠色蔬果昔以及小麥草汁;不久之後,她重獲健康且容光煥發,甚至連髮色也恢復了。

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