- Sep 26 Fri 2014 14:24
- Sep 26 Fri 2014 00:09
【影片】巴夏Bashar - 不要限制"無限"
- Sep 26 Fri 2014 00:00
《Theodore之書:地球外生命體的遠景》第十一章:未來 1
You are about to become active members of the Confederation. You have always belonged, but you haven't had an ambassador. The Confederation is a group of individuals from various planets in this quadrant of the universe who monitor the activities on those planets. They are similar to the individuals on “Star Trek's” Starship Enterprise. This television program is not as farfetched as you might think. It is as natural to have a group policing an area of the universe as an area of the globe. And like the television program, the Confederation does not use force or violence or interfere unnecessarily in the affairs of the planets in their jurisdiction.
- Sep 25 Thu 2014 15:12
- Sep 25 Thu 2014 15:06
- Sep 25 Thu 2014 00:06
【影片】巴夏Bashar - 你的力量
- Sep 25 Thu 2014 00:00
《Theodore之書:地球外生命體的遠景》第十章:生活在整合的世界中 2
An integrated world will not bar people from fulfilling their potential; it will not resurrect barriers between people, either. An integrated society accepts all people and their differences because it recognizes the value of differences, even ones that lead to mistakes.
- Sep 24 Wed 2014 13:49
【新聞】「拯救地球」全球大串聯 60萬人遊行
- Sep 24 Wed 2014 13:47
- Sep 24 Wed 2014 13:28
- Sep 24 Wed 2014 13:27
【造物主】2014-9-23 只是凡人?
Just Human?
- Sep 24 Wed 2014 00:05
【影片】巴夏Bashar - 關於消除負面信念