目前分類:本傑明·福爾福德 (431)

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Negotiations for a new financial system are on hold as the controllers of the old system seem to have gone into or are preparing to go into hiding.This means that at the time of this writing it is unclear if there will be peaceful transition to a new financial system or a hostile take-over of the old system.

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The noose that is closing on the Khazarian mafia and the Rothschild family nexus controlling it is getting tighter.Having missed one deadline to meet with a representative of the White Dragon Society, a representative of Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild is supposed to meet with a messenger from the White Dragon Society tomorrow(June 7th) in the US.If the Rothschilds miss this meeting or fail to reach an agreement in principle then, open season will be declared on that entire genocidal family group WDS, gnostic Illuminati and other allied groups promise.

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When Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, hiding out at Mark Rich's house on the hill in Zog, Switzerland was identified as the head of the Khazarian mafia, Rothschild reached out to the White Dragon Society via a nephew to negotiate a peace settlement involving and exchange of gold for money and the establishment of a future planning agency.This is now on hold because the New York branch of the Khazarian mafia, headed by the Cohen crime family, blocked it, Rothschild family sources say.

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The man who is blocking the new financial system and preventing the use of Asian gold for the benefit of the planet is Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild, according to his close relatives as well as the CIA.Baron Rothschild is the head of the Khazarian mafia octopus that controls the issuance of US dollars, Euros, Japanese yen and many other currencies, not including the Chinese yuan or the Russian ruble.

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Chinese say gold only through White Dragon, Japanese resistance say Obama to be hit with"Kamikaze” in Hiroshima

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The gnostic illuminati and the US military have both told the White Dragon Society that Pope Francis must resign because of his friendship with former Argentine dictator Jorge Videla and his involvement in Argentina's dirty war.The resignation will be the trigger for a series of dramatic changes in how this planet is run,the sources agree.「They will be writing about this thousands of years from now,"predicts gnostic illuminati grandmaster"Alexander Romanov.」

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Hybrid war continues with Japanese underground military bases hit as Khazarian mafia under attack around the planet

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Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership.He said"when the Asian giant moves,the earth will shake but our goal is world peace."Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS talks however,you can be sure big events will unfold soon.

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Federal Reserve Board and US dollar will be hit by financial Armageddon if Asian gold offer refused Benjamin Fulford,April 12,2016

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The battle to liberate the planet earth is unfolding at an ever more dramatic pace as the Khazarian human slavers come under attack in their strongholds of Poland,Turkey,Ukraine,the US,Japan and elsewhere.At the same time as this take-down of the Khazarian mafia continues to accelerate,high level East-West negotiations towards a new financial system are proceeding in a smooth and friendly manner,according to multiple sources directly involved in the negotiations.

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The battle for the planet earth is heading towards victory for the people as the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia is being unmasked in ways that defy denial.We have the New York Times reporting that gates commemorating Baal(another name for Satan,image at link below)

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Something is happening around Antarctica these days that is shrouded in secrecy but is also attracting a lot of heavy hitters.The visit to Antarctica by Patriarch Kirill,the head of the Russian Orthodox Church,in February was the first sign of something unusual happening.Now this week US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama will be visiting the Nazi South American headquarters in Bariloche,in Southern Argentina.

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The back-room negotiations to release funds to finance a massive world clean-up took a dramatic turn last week as Indonesian President Joko Widodo made a sudden decision to fly to Holland to discuss gold,CIA sources in Indonesia say.Widodo,or Jokowi as he is known,decided to visit Holland,the former colonial rulers of Indonesia,to avoid civil war,they say.The civil war would be between factions supporting China and those who lean towards the West,the sources say.In Holland Jokowi will be meeting with representatives of the P2 Freemason lodge who will be asking for access to gold stored in Indonesian bunkers,they say.The Indonesian press article about the planned visit quotes an Indonesian government official who says'there will be a major surprise within two weeks time.」

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Last week Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Turkish president Recep Erdogan that he will"restore Constantinople(Istanbul)to Christendom and protect Russian maritime security by liberating the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits」,Pentagon sources say.「This has been the plan all along as borders will be redrawn,with Turkey expelled from Cyprus and balkanized,"they added.

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A stand-off at a the G20 finance minister's meeting in China last week is reflected in public calls by China to replace the US dollar and threats by the US military to start a nuclear war.The US military also say they stand ready to enforce any decisions by the international court of justice at The Hague over territorial disputes in the South China sea.

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Last week Zhou Xiaochuan,the head of China's central bank,announced,in a jargon filled technical interview,that China would no longer be pegging its currency to the US dollar.Instead,the Chinese yuan will be linked to a broad basket of currencies,Zhou said.

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Crunch time is coming to choose either collapse,chaos and bloodshed or reboot and renaissance

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The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Satan worshipping Khazarian mob,Russian and Pentagon sources say.This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire(as publicly headed by the Pope)and the power behind Russian President Vladimir Putin is the Russian Orthodox Church.「Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church agrees to meet the Pope in Cuba on Feb 12 as East-West unite to fight [the Khazarian mafia],"was how a Pentagon official described the planned meeting.Rockefeller stooge Henry Kissinger was"forced to accept a multipolar world and declare Russia not a threat but essential partner,"the official continued.

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The Empire Strikes Out as Khazarian mafia fake Zika virus,negative interest rate offensives fail

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