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Recently a member of the Earth Liberation Alliance delivered a handwritten note to a senior Jesuit that read:"Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution, thank you for keeping the candle burning all these long years."

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The end is near for the fake Biden regime as Jeff Bezos, one of its chief backers, has bailed out and joined the earth alliance, CIA sources say.This was shown when his Washington Post mouthpiece reported the truth; the Ukrainian government and military are collapsing.The Khazarian Mafia project to rule the world from a greater Khazaria(Ukraine + Kazakhstan) is thus now totally doomed.

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Top-level negotiations between Asian and Western elders to start a new golden age for humanity are proceeding well, according to sources involved.The basic agreement calls for the complete write-off of all debts, public and private, a one-time redistribution of assets and a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe with earth life.

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Last week China and Russia issued an ultimatum to the US military:either destroy the Khazarian mafia or face all-out nuclear/scalar weaponry warfare, multiple sources agree.The US sent a large delegation to Russia in response and an agreement was reached to kill all known members of the KM on sight, Pentagon and MI6 sources say.This has already begun and will accelerate this week, the sources say.

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Khazarian mafia agents Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others have fled to Ukraine as KM rule collapses, CIA sources say.They have fled to avoid arrest for war crimes as their crimes against humanity become impossible to hide, they say.That is why"actors, actresses, rock stars, comedians and world leaders are visiting Ukraine," another CIA source notes.

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The global alliance against the Satanic Khazarian mafia scored major victories last week on multiple fronts.Most importantly, the Federal Reserve Board building in Washington DC has been fenced off

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Despite resorting to extreme fascist repression, the Khazarian mafia slave regimes of the G7 are mathematically doomed.The reason is financial.They made the fundamental mistake of thinking that numbers on financial institution computers were real and not imaginary.This is why, for the first time in my memory, the G20 finance ministers did not issue a statement after meeting last week.If they had been honest, they would have declared bankruptcy.

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The war in Ukraine has taken an esoteric turn with both sides carrying out mass incantations and invoking spiritual powers."All the evil forces from all over the planet have been gathering in one place in Ukraine for the last stand," is how a Russian FSB source describes the situation.Meanwhile the Khazarian mafia witches, Satanists and neo-Nazis claim they have been preparing for 40 days"an incantation to cure Putin, and Russia."

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The world revolution against the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with the systematic round-up of top KM agents worldwide.At the same time, the KM is trying to shut down the internet, cause a starvation crisis and promote a fake alien invasion as it fights to survive.

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The international alliance fighting to liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia scored a series of major victories in the past week.The biggest is a growing international boycott of their fraudulent financial system.Russia, China, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America are all joining this boycott.Once the KM loses control of money, it is truly game over.

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There are growing signs we in the West are all watching a giant fake show and that the show is about to end.This came up in a conversation last week between a senior Russian FSB agent and a member of the White Dragon Society."My guess is that we don't actually have any presidents and all of this is a kind of staged reality show created before our eyes," noted the FSB member.There is plenty of evidence to back this up.

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There are multiple reports coming in from all directions indicating the war for control of the planet earth, one that has been literally raging for thousands of years, is coming to an end.The battle over the Ukraine will be seen by future historians as the last stand of the Satanic Khazarian mafia that has been plotting to turn the entire planet into a giant animal farm ruled by them.

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The incredible hysteria and lies being pumped out daily in the G7 Khazarian slave colonies' propaganda media has distracted the world from truly historical changes.What we are witnessing is the end of a war that has been raging literally for thousands of years.The ancient group of Satan-worshipping families that controls the UN, the Worlds' central banks, the fortune 500 transnational corporations and much more, are facing something they never expected:final defeat.

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The EU or Nazi fourth Reich, knows it is checkmated and is trying to negotiate a surrender to Russia, multiple sources confirm.This means the fake Biden regime in the US will also have to surrender or die, the sources promise."Ukraine is the head of the snake.Once it comes down there is no globalist empire anymore.It is finished," explains an Australian special forces officer.

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The Russian and Jewish people are finally getting justice for the Holodomor and the Holocaust, mass murder human sacrifice events staged by the Khazarian mafia.This is thanks to a Russian police operation against the Khazarian mafia operating inside their borders.The Russian action against the KM is just part of a larger international move by the white hat alliance to remove the KM from all positions of power, Asian and Western secret society sources agree.

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"What do you do if a public figure you know of as a nice old lady has chopped a child's head off, drunken their blood and eaten their heart?" responded a top MI6 figure when asked why Queen Elizabeth II had"tested positive for Covid" i.e.been arrested.

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If all goes well, the satanic parasitical entity known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation will go bankrupt and implode this week.If that happens, then a domino effect will result in the removal of the blackmailed, bribed and brainwashed fools posing as leaders in other G7 countries.The US Corporation missed an external payments deadline on January 31st.They were given until this week to come up with the money or be cut off from the borrowed money they need to stay in business.

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We would like to congratulate Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee and look forward to her Diamond Jubilee.She has done a lot behind the scenes to help liberate humanity.

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Payback is a bitch.The Rockefeller clan, the greatest mass murderers in human history, are finally facing justice.Mass demonstrations across occupied Europe and now action by truckers in North America is a sign their satanic rule is collapsing.

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The takedown of the Khazarian mafia is accelerating.A worldwide arrest warrant issued for David Rockefeller Jr.means one of their top bosses is now a hunted man.Meanwhile, riots and demonstrations around the Western world are bringing down other KM leaders like Emmanuelle Macron of France and Justin Castro of Canada.Already, the Rothschild clan has admitted defeat and is now under the leadership of Nathaniel Rothschild.He promises that from now on his clan will stick to business and stay out of geopolitics.Here is a link to his company Volex.

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