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The Khazarian Mafia and their slave countries are secretly trying to negotiate peace with the planetary liberation alliance but their offers are being spurned, White Dragon Society sources say.Instead, Russia is demanding the abolition of the Federal Reserve Board while China is preparing to invade Taiwan, Russian FSB and Asian secret society sources say.

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The death of Queen Elizabeth II is one of many signs some sort of mega black swan event is coming to the West this October.What remains to be seen is if this will be a bloody revolution, anarchy, or a peaceful transition.

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The removal of the top ranks of the Knights of Malta by the Vatican means the entire leadership of NATO has been fired, P3 Freemason sources say.There is also a purge going on inside Vatican city as"Zionist cabal" members are being removed, the sources say.This is causing a leadership vacuum in the G7 group of countries as their entire economic/social system collapses.

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The summer deadlock in the ongoing, but undeclared, World War3is about to end, multiple sources agree.This is because the collective West is about to face a catastrophic systems failure if events continue on their present course.

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Is someone trying to overthrow the EU, the US and communist China at the same time? There is certainly evidence the rulers of all three regions all work for the same people.This was proven by the coordinated vaccine and lock-down response to a fake pandemic.The moves made by the Chinese communist government to create social credit scores and constantly monitor the population in great detail also, for sure, fits in with the World Economic Forum plans.The EU and the fake US administration of Joe Biden tried to do the same but ran into stronger resistance.

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*Pre Written Report* This is not an economic or political crisis, it is a crisis of monotheism

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While Benjamin Fulford takes his sabbatical we will continue to provide the latest visuals related to project blue beam.

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Notice to readers:The next three reports will be pre-written so that I may take my annual digital detox and fast in Canada.Barring some unexpected black swan event regular reports will resume on August 22nd.Your understanding and support is appreciated.

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Last week a secret deal was reached between the Russian and UK governments to wind down the Ukraine war.This is part of a broader settlement agreement that will lead to a complete overhaul of existing international institutions this autumn, MI6 and Russian FSB sources say.

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The fake US President Biden failed to get oil on his recent begging trip to the Middle East.This means the countdown for the implosion of the US and Western Europe has begun.Revolution is in the air and there will be no turning back, multiple sources agree.

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There was a coordinated takedown of the Khazarian mafia worldwide last week just as G20 officials were gathering to discuss replacing the UN Security Council with a new world grouping.

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A second American revolution is underway but this time, it will affect the whole world and not just the United States.On a global level the"rules-based world order"(we rule you obey) is negotiating a surrender to the world freedom alliance, multiple sources agree.This can be confirmed in many different and seemingly unrelated news items.

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In an echo of History, Angela Hitler gathered her lieutenants at her father's castle in Bavaria to vow to fight the last Ukrainian in the face of inevitable defeat by overwhelming Russian forces.This so-called G7 meeting is part of an emergency gathering of Khazarian mafia leaders who now face both military defeat and war crimes tribunals.

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No matter how hard you try to avoid reality, it eventually catches up to you.This is the lesson the privately-owned Western central banks are now learning as their fiat money hallucination crashes into the real world.The across-the-board collapse in financial markets seen recently is no ordinary market move.It is a system's collapse.

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The world is going through a fundamental shift as the Western world is being cured of its Satanic infection.The result will be an unprecedented era of world peace and prosperity.This will be the legacy of the"make love not war," hippy generation.

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Recently a member of the Earth Liberation Alliance delivered a handwritten note to a senior Jesuit that read:"Satan has returned to the original creation and received absolution, thank you for keeping the candle burning all these long years."

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The end is near for the fake Biden regime as Jeff Bezos, one of its chief backers, has bailed out and joined the earth alliance, CIA sources say.This was shown when his Washington Post mouthpiece reported the truth; the Ukrainian government and military are collapsing.The Khazarian Mafia project to rule the world from a greater Khazaria(Ukraine + Kazakhstan) is thus now totally doomed.

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Top-level negotiations between Asian and Western elders to start a new golden age for humanity are proceeding well, according to sources involved.The basic agreement calls for the complete write-off of all debts, public and private, a one-time redistribution of assets and a massive campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and colonize the universe with earth life.

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Last week China and Russia issued an ultimatum to the US military:either destroy the Khazarian mafia or face all-out nuclear/scalar weaponry warfare, multiple sources agree.The US sent a large delegation to Russia in response and an agreement was reached to kill all known members of the KM on sight, Pentagon and MI6 sources say.This has already begun and will accelerate this week, the sources say.

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