目前分類:天使 (3542)

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Today we would like to focus your attention upon the current energies.Today marks the beginning in many ways and what better to signify a new beginning than a new moon.

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Keep Going!

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It is time for the ending of a Cycle

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Allow yourself to Receive

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Seek out your Inspiration

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There is no greater way you can assist yourself, others, or your planet than stepping into your authentic power, for it creates the firm foundation for everything you desire to be built upon.

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Very few human beings use the full extent of the help available to them on a daily basis.We are here to help you!Asimple request and an openness to receive is all that is required.You were never thrown onto an ascending planet to go it alone! It is our greatest joy to assist you, so allow us the delight of serving you, and allow yourself the delight of fully embracing the love and support of an entire universe that adores you.

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Remember who you are

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Dear Ones, small consistent efforts add up to be big changes in no time.That applies for you, and also for your planet.If you are concerned with the state of your world, start to add the energy you wish to see more of, consciously and consistently, as you go about your day.If you wish to see more kindness in the world, do a kindness for another.If you wish to see peace, be peaceful with others.If you wish to see more love in the world, be more loving to others.You get to choose which energy you wish to offer the world.

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If you are out of alignment, it is very difficult to make good decisions for yourself or to be there for others.It can also make it very hard to know how to proceed in your life in the best, most positive way.

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Understanding leads to change

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Dear Ones, what are you really willing to let go of? That old excuse that keeps you wanting change but never really moving into it? That old belief system that keeps you playing small when your soul is yearning for the freedom to express itself as all it is and more? What is the pay off? Really feel into it.Does it ever really serve you or anyone else to not own your truth? Does it ever really do you any good to deny your own innate power? What if you let that one thing that is holding you back go today? What if you could do it joyfully and beautifully and safely? What if giving yourself permission to shine is all that is left for you to do?

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Learn to trust your guidance

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Every time you are dishonest with yourself, you put obstacles in your flow.Every time you are dishonest with another, you put barriers in the flow between you and them.Lies create energetic separation.Separation between you and your authentic self, and separation between you and others.Separation and resistance to the flow cause deep discomfort in you.

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Dear Ones, you will only create as far as what you believe is possible.Your belief in wonderful outcomes along with your willingness to receive are what open you up to miracles.

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If there is an issue that you are struggling with, or see others struggling with, and feel like there is nothing you can do, please know prayer is a powerful tool to use.You see, prayer shows your intention, surrender, and faith.Those three working together are a profound combination.So offer up your prayers, Dear Ones—prayers for your own healing and evolution, prayers for others, and prayers for your beloved planet.Then let your actions match your intentions, and you will be paving the path for outcomes for the highest good of all.

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Dear Ones, love is a flow.Sometimes others will need a little more love and support to get through something.Sometimes you will need a little more love and tenderness, yourself.There is an ebb and flow, a time to give, and a time to receive.Embracing the totality of the rhythm of love creates balance, and nurturing, for all.

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Look forward to living a prosperous life

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