When you try to conform to what others want you to do or be,you are denying your own authenticity.This is incredibly detrimental to your satisfaction with your life because you simply cannot draw to you the perfect matches you desire if you are not emanating your truth.It is an act that is completely disempowering to yourself and will ultimately only end up with resentment and a deep dissatisfaction with your own life.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Sep 01 Tue 2015 12:42
【大天使加百利】2015-8-31 與世界分享你的獨特、美麗、愛和真實
- Sep 01 Tue 2015 12:35
【天使的智慧】2015-8-30 合同和業力
Contracts and Karma
- Aug 31 Mon 2015 14:20
【天使長麥可】2015-9 心對心的愛/光流動
- Aug 31 Mon 2015 13:56
【大天使加百利】2015-8-30 經由不斷的訓練去精熟連接與對齊
Just like as you walk through the same path in the forest over and again,the path becomes clearer and easier to navigate,so it is with connecting with spirit.The more you make the conscious effort to align with the intention to receive guidance,the easier it is for you to move into that energetic space the next time,and so it goes,until it becomes a comfortable and familiar route.
- Aug 31 Mon 2015 13:49
【大天使加百利】2015-8-29 請求並信任天使的協助
How would you like to have a team of problem solving specialists? You do! Your guides,your angels(we are all your angels),your helpers,your highest self,all are delighted to take your hand and lead you to the highest outcome for all,in the most direct and loving way.All you have to do is ask,and allow yourself to be open to resolution.Know that you are never,ever bothering us,or taking us away from others,or not important enough for our attention.In fact,to us there is nothing is more important than you,and it is always our greatest joy and honour to assist you.
- Aug 31 Mon 2015 13:39
【天使的智慧】2015-8-29 抽出一些時間,享受你的生活
Take a time out and enjoy your life
- Aug 30 Sun 2015 13:43
【大天使加百利】2015-8-28 釋放事物"應該如何"的想法
Releasing your attachment to how things should look or be is one of the most helpful things you can do in your enlightenment process.
- Aug 29 Sat 2015 13:23
【天使的智慧】2015-8-28 離開,變得自由
Walk away and be free
- Aug 29 Sat 2015 13:20
【天使的智慧】2015-8-27 看見更多
Seek More
- Aug 29 Sat 2015 13:18
【天使的智慧】2015-8-26 變得更加敏感
Becoming More Sensitive
- Aug 28 Fri 2015 13:58
【大天使加百利】2015-8-27 用鼓勵替換批評
What if you replaced your inner critic with an inner encourager? Can you imagine what a profound difference that would create for your life experience?
- Aug 28 Fri 2015 13:57
【天使的智慧】2015-8-25 定期地穩固自己
Ground yourself regularly
- Aug 27 Thu 2015 13:32
【大天使加百利】2015-8-26 你如何看待自己?
Dear Ones,you set your energetic standards by how you treat yourselves,and how you allow yourselves to be treated.In our eyes,you are delightful jewels,precious treasure to be cherished.Isn't it time you started see yourselves in the same way?
- Aug 26 Wed 2015 15:06
【大天使加百利】2015-8-25 從慣性反應到正念的選擇
By stepping back into awareness,you will be able to tell if the energy you are bringing to any situation is helping or not.It is as simple as stopping if you find yourself in an uncomfortable place and asking if what you are bringing is part of the solution.
- Aug 26 Wed 2015 15:00
【天使的智慧】2015-8-24 是時候去釋放任何內在的鬥爭了
It is time to release any internal struggles
- Aug 25 Tue 2015 13:28
【大天使加百利】2015-8-24 讓愛和慈悲引領道路
Every time you let your love and compassion lead the way you are allowing your true essence to shine through.It is a delightfully empowering and freeing declaration of self to love for no other reason than it is your true state of beingness.
- Aug 25 Tue 2015 13:27
【天使的智慧】2015-8-23 平靜你的頭腦、身體和精神
Calm your Mind,Body,and your Spirit
- Aug 24 Mon 2015 13:38
【大天使加百利】2015-8-23 你可以創造自己渴望很久的療癒
Dear Ones,let us assure you that there is not one wound within you that you cannot heal yourself.Let us explain what we mean by that.
- Aug 24 Mon 2015 13:34
【天使的智慧】2015-8-22 學習全然地相信自己
Learning to trust yourself completely
- Aug 23 Sun 2015 17:22
【大天使加百利】2015-8-22 愛你的身體 感恩它所提供的
Have you ever thought to communicate with your body? Have you ever stopped to ask your body what it needs? It is such a simple thing to do! Your body is naturally always going to try to find its way to wellness.It is the expert of itself.We urge you to stop,be quiet,and simply ask your body what it needs right now to thrive.Start to listen to it in all ways.Rest if you are tired.Move if you are energized.If it has a craving for a certain food,let it have it,knowing there is a nutrient in that food that is required.Hydrate it.Love and nurture it!