Take time out for yourself
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Mar 30 Mon 2015 14:34
【天使的智慧】2015-3-28 為自己抽出時間
- Mar 29 Sun 2015 14:19
【大天使加百利】2015-3-28 愛的奉獻與回饋
Dear Ones—think of how excited you get to delight a child or someone you love with a surprise or activity.Think of how much love and joy you feel when you put the time and care into their happiness and enjoyment.Now take that exact same thoughtfulness and care and do something wonderful for yourself today,and wholeheartedly feel the the joy of the planning and the enjoyment that comes with the experience,as well.That is how easy self love can be.
- Mar 29 Sun 2015 12:48
【大天使加百利】2015-3-19 完美
Beloved Ones,
- Mar 29 Sun 2015 12:47
【天使的智慧】2015-3-27 一切都有著一個目的
Everything has a purpose
- Mar 28 Sat 2015 12:20
【大天使加百利】2015-3-27 水的重要性
Water is an absolutely essential element for shifting,releasing and moving with new energies.The simplest way to think of it is extra water supports your flow.If you become diligent about your water intake,you will be surprised at what a difference it will make to your comfort level,especially during enhanced times of transmutation and integration.
- Mar 28 Sat 2015 12:18
【大天使加百利】2015-3-27 力量
- Mar 28 Sat 2015 12:16
【天使的智慧】2015-3-26 堅持不懈
Be Persistent
- Mar 27 Fri 2015 12:12
【大天使加百利】2015-3-26 感恩和愛
Dear Ones,whenever something is less than desirable in your external world,the answer always exists internally.The faster you understand that the only thing you have control over is you and your own energetics,the faster you will avoid wasting your time and effort trying to force external change.
- Mar 27 Fri 2015 12:10
【天使的智慧】2015-3-25 平靜你的頭腦、身體和精神
Calm your Mind,Body,and Spirit
- Mar 26 Thu 2015 12:41
【大天使加百利】2015-3-25 面紗的溶解
One of the wonderful gifts that has come from the intense purging and releasing you have been doing,is that it has helped you become more in touch with your true feelings.When you are buried under many layers of density,it can be difficult to ascertain your truth.It can also be difficult to feel the subtle energies of your guides,helpers and passed loved ones through such density.
- Mar 26 Thu 2015 12:36
【天使的智慧】2015-3-24 允許生活中更大的流動
Allow for greater flow in your life
- Mar 25 Wed 2015 13:51
【天使的智慧】2015-3-23 偉大覺醒的時刻
A time of great awakening
- Mar 25 Wed 2015 13:50
【大天使加百利】2015-3-24 通過流動你才會綻放
It is by being a flow-er that you will bloom.
- Mar 24 Tue 2015 13:26
【大天使加百利】2015-3-23 平衡的創造
Moving forward as balanced creators means embracing giving and receiving,releasing and integrating,lulls and tangible movement,with deep appreciation and wholehearted acceptance for the gifts that come with each phase.You become completely willing participants,knowing with every fibre of your being that it is all part of the unconditional love and support of the universe.
- Mar 24 Tue 2015 13:24
【天使的智慧】2015-3-22 要有耐心並允許
Be Patient and Allow
- Mar 23 Mon 2015 12:23
【大天使加百利】2015-3-22 體現自我最高的表達
Many of you give with the expectation you will receive something in return from the person you have given to.This can be a slippery slope,because it places you in a space that puts your satisfaction in the hands of another.What if you gave simply because it brought you joy? What if you turned giving into nothing more than an expression of self?
- Mar 23 Mon 2015 12:18
【天使的智慧】2015-3-21 連接
Spiritual Connections
- Mar 22 Sun 2015 13:26
【大天使加百利】2015-3-21 選擇專注於你想要之物的本質
By choosing to focus on the essence of what you want,rather than what you do not want,you will masterfully pave the road toward those desires.By seeking the essence,you will allow the universe all the room it needs to deliver to you the greatest possible match,which you may not have even been aware of,or able to imagine.It is like giving free reign to a trusted artist to create whatever they want,because you know their work is beautiful,divinely inspired and always delights you.That is co-creation at its finest.
- Mar 22 Sun 2015 13:24
【天使的智慧】2015-3-20 展現愛
Demonstrate Love
- Mar 21 Sat 2015 13:10
【大天使麥克】2015-3-16 天堂王國臨近
You may be having difficulty finding your way as of late but as we have said to you,you have stepped on the roads not ever entered before,opened doors never opened before.In the rising of the light,you are now may be on a path where it is difficult to see anything.That is why; trust your inner knowledge,wisdom.Open your heart"s eye.Make sure love and light flows,darlings.