If you truly understood that you can always move back into your purest essence of self—back into your innocence,your divine template—you would let go of the illusion of insurmountable hurts and very quickly move into forgiveness and wholeness,which would,in turn,create a cascade of healing in your life.If you have been hurt or abused,your wounded self may have retreated deep within in its desire to avoid more hurt,but it is always there waiting to come back into the light once it knows it is safe.Once you truly accept the resiliency and indestructible nature of your essence,and commit to being your own loving guide or parent and creating a safe and nurturing environment for yourself,you will understand that healing is always available to you by simply integrating back into your wholeness and letting go of the illusion of permanent wounds.
目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Jan 31 Sat 2015 13:52
【大天使加百利】2015-1-30 回歸你的純真
- Jan 31 Sat 2015 13:36
【天使的智慧】2015-1-29 你在創造新的連接
You are Creating New Connections
- Jan 30 Fri 2015 13:42
【大天使加百利】2015-1-29 自愛和自私
Many of you are still confused about the difference between self love and selfishness.Self love means you treat yourself with the same love,honour,care and respect as you treat others.You see yourself as being equally deserving and allow that time and nurturing for yourself,knowing that it will allow you to be your best you,which will,in turn,benefit others.Selfishness worries not about anyone else,at all.Self love comes from a place of unity consciousness and connection to the limitlessness of Source.Selfishness believes that there isn"t enough for everyone and acts from a place of disconnection,fear and lack.Self love is embracing the divine flow of the universe,allowing love to flow to,and through you.Selfishness is very one-sided.
- Jan 30 Fri 2015 13:38
【天使的智慧】2015-1-28 歡喜並慶祝
Rejoice and Celebrate
- Jan 29 Thu 2015 12:26
【大天使加百利】2015-1-28 轉換你的專注
- Jan 29 Thu 2015 12:15
【天使的智慧】2015-1-27 看到隱藏的美麗
See the hidden beauty
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:07
【大天使加百利】2015-1-27 宏偉的嘗試?
Why not have a grand experiment? Why not try starting your days with different kinds of surrender? One day you might do a general surrender to Source and enter into the flow.Another day you might surrender into the flow of love.Another day you might surrender into being of your highest purpose.Another you may choose to surrender into joy.Then perhaps try not surrendering at all.
- Jan 28 Wed 2015 13:01
【天使的智慧】2015-1-26 地球天使
Earth Angels Heart of Gold
- Jan 27 Tue 2015 13:35
【大天使加百利】2015-1-26 接納他人之所是
Here is a truth for you to consider.If someone needs to change in order to be a satisfactory match for you,it is telling you that they are not a match for you in this right now moment.You will save yourselves a lot of angst and heartache if you can accept people exactly as they are,and make decisions based on if they are a good energetic match to you,in your truth,as you are.
- Jan 27 Tue 2015 13:28
【天使的智慧】2015-1-25 你可以完成偉大的事情
You Can Achieve Great Things
- Jan 26 Mon 2015 11:46
【大天使加百利】2015-1-25 為什麼不改變你的觀點?
So many of you are always on the lookout for what you do not want.You have been conditioned to do so,to be on high alert for any trouble.But you are evolving beyond that,Dear Ones,so why not change your perspective?
- Jan 26 Mon 2015 11:39
【天使的智慧】2015-1-24 軟化你的心與頭腦
Soften your heart and your mind
- Jan 25 Sun 2015 12:44
【大天使加百利】2015-1-24 與宇宙的無條件之愛共同創造
We will simplify the Law of Attraction one step further for you.Intend to manifest what you love.Look for things around you that you love.Send what you love,love.Feel the love that exists in you and for you.
- Jan 25 Sun 2015 12:39
【天使的智慧】2015-1-23 你有著巨大的力量
You have great strength
- Jan 24 Sat 2015 14:44
【大天使加百利】2015-1-23 放大的專注
Resistance is a sure way to continue what you do not want.Appreciation is a sure way to continue what you do want.It really is quite simple.Do you see? Both are amplified focus,and your amplified focus is your agreement with a situation.Simply choose what you feel deserves your attention and continuation in your life,and grow it with gratitude.
- Jan 24 Sat 2015 14:37
【天使的智慧】2015-1-22 沉思和自省
Reflection and Introspection
- Jan 23 Fri 2015 15:00
- Jan 23 Fri 2015 14:04
【大天使加百利】2015-1-22 保持積極並專注於你希望體驗之物的本質
When you were a young child you would dream and create without fear.Your brain simply didn"t know how to worry or play out negative scenarios.You simply focused on the pure essence of what you wished to experience and went for it.Your operating system was one of focused intention and movement,all based on what interested you or brought you satisfaction,adventure,comfort,or joy.
- Jan 23 Fri 2015 13:58
【天使的智慧】2015-1-21 能量和力量的波可供使用
Waves of Energy and Power are Available
- Jan 22 Thu 2015 13:39
【大天使加百利】2015-1-21 沒有抗拒的生活
We ask you to stop and ponder a few ideas today.What if nothing was ever wrong? What if you let go of the idea of being broke,or alone,or sick? What if you saw each person,no matter what they were doing,as someone who was competently experiencing exactly what they needed to for their own growth and expansion? What if you truly,fully realized that the only thing you ever really have to do is BE?