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目前分類:天使 (3566)
- Jan 22 Thu 2015 13:34
【天使的智慧】2015-1-20 快速成長
- Jan 21 Wed 2015 14:47
【大天使加百利】2015-1-20 自愛
When you navigate your life from an unshakeable place of self love, you will find decisions become easier. You will experience less extremes. Healthy boundaries will be clearer. People will respect and honour you because you hold that respect and honour for yourself.
- Jan 21 Wed 2015 14:45
【天使的智慧】2015-1-19 相信
Trust your Knowing
- Jan 20 Tue 2015 13:10
【大天使加百利】2015-1-19 完整狀態
The idea that you are ever wounded in a way that is beyond repair is an absolute fallacy.You,each and every one of you,have an inner template of complete wellness,balance,and wholeness.Healing is simply a matter of allowing yourself back into that state of completeness.
- Jan 20 Tue 2015 13:08
【天使的智慧】2015-1-18 靈性智慧
Wisdom is listening to the Divine promptings within you
- Jan 19 Mon 2015 13:40
【大天使加百利】2015-1-18 喜悅
The greatest joy comes from expressing yourself in your truth,your authenticity,in a fully present way.If you are not experiencing a lot of joy in your life,how are you not allowing your truth to shine? How can you find ways to do that? What can you start to do to allow yourself to experience what we call the sweet spot,fully embracing your self and the present moment at the exact same time?
- Jan 19 Mon 2015 13:35
【天使的智慧】2015-1-17 把你的意圖投射入你的生活
Project your intentions into your life.
- Jan 18 Sun 2015 14:03
【大天使加百利】2015-1-17 處於有意識的冥想狀態
When you are in a state of meditation or quiet visualization,you are in a very powerful place.Meditation is a flow,an entering into a space where you experience instant manifestation.You imagine an apple,you instantaneously have an apple.You never doubt you can have what you imagine,you simply experience it with no delay.You also know if you try something and it isn"t what you want after all,you can simply create again.There is no doubt,no hesitation,no procrastination,no fear.
- Jan 18 Sun 2015 13:58
【天使的智慧】2015-1-16 未實現的期望
Unfulfilled Expectations
- Jan 17 Sat 2015 14:01
【大天使加百利】2015-1-16 在意識上開始與神聖的存在連接
If you are trying to draw your divine other (the highest partner available to you at this time) in order to enjoy a new love relationship,one of the most activating things you can do is to start connecting with them with your consciousness now.Know that they exist.Start to acknowledge them on a daily basis.Say good morning to them (your inner voice is fine) when you wake up.Send them love.Imagine holding them in your arms.Whenever you think of it,send them a few words of encouragement,support or caring.Say goodnight to them at the end of the day.Feel their presence and incorporate them into your life now.
- Jan 17 Sat 2015 13:51
【大天使加百利】2015-1-15 內外一致的和平
Dear Ones,constantly looking for density in your body in the name of healing is just like being focused on war during your quest for peace.
- Jan 16 Fri 2015 14:33
- Jan 16 Fri 2015 14:08
【天使的智慧】2015-1-15 清晰的意圖
Stay focused upon your intentions,desires,and priorities.
- Jan 16 Fri 2015 14:08
【天使的智慧】2015-1-14 敞開接收
Be Open to Receive
- Jan 15 Thu 2015 15:01
【大天使拉斐爾】2015-1-12 善用水的魔力
Use the magic of water.Honoring,noticing the cleansing characteristics of water while drinking,showering,during your healing work.You are going through quite fast phases and changes,some of you are changing their places,jobs,some are transforming their emotions and this phase is raining down on you like stars,and you have let yourselves go with the flow under these energies.However,keep your calm within the flow.The power of serenity is important,while experiencing changes in every layer you need this to move in harmony,my little ones.Treating yourselves with kindness,embracing yourselves at every step is what you need to always remember.
- Jan 15 Thu 2015 15:00
【大天使加百利】2015-1-14 專注於...
If you started to live with a focus on your wholeness rather than your woundedness,you would find yourself thriving like never before.
- Jan 15 Thu 2015 14:57
【天使的智慧】2015-1-13 設置健康的邊界
Set Healthy Boundaries
- Jan 14 Wed 2015 12:18
【大天使加百利】2015-1-13 釋放負面的連結
Waiting for another to apologize before you can heal after a hurt is deciding to stay in a wounded state and giving your power away.You do not require closure in order to heal! You can give yourself closure any time you want by deciding you no longer wish to stay in the energy of the hurt and move back into your wholeness and wellness.
- Jan 13 Tue 2015 20:47
- Jan 13 Tue 2015 20:13
【大天使加百利】2015-1-12 重現你的天真
We wish for you to stop and really ponder the importance of reconnecting with your innocence.Your innocence will be quite willing to come back into your awareness as long as it is assured it will be safe.Part of the reason for the focus being on self love and healthy boundaries for so long,has been to create the environment for your innocence to wish to resurface.